I have installed Googlemaps module and I am trying to show profile addresses on maps, but it seems that I am skipping something, or I am doing something wrong.
- I am using skin Media Pro 5 - Dark;
- I have updated jrCore and all modules;
- I have performed integrity check;
- I have downloaded and installed successfully Googlemaps module, licensed;
- I have activated Googlemaps module;
- I have visited the APIs Console at https://code.google.com/apis/console and logged in with my Google Account;
- I have activated the Google Maps JavaScript API v3 service;
- I have created a Simple API Browser key for my site in my Google console;
- It looks like this:
API key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Referers: *yourdomain.com/*
Activated on: Feb 28, 2014 4:13 PM
Activated by: xxxxxxxx@gmail.com – me
- I have completed Global settings for GoogleMaps module as follows:
Google Maps API key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Default Lat/Lng: 45.941869,24.978284 (valid values)
Default Zoom : 7
Force Static Maps : Force Static Maps
Image Mapping Modules : jrProfile,jrUser
- In Quota Config of GoogleMaps module:
apply to all quotas : yes
allowed on profile : yes
allow user choice of map type : all checked
allow different types of embed : all checked
allow different types of embed : all checked
map width (default 100%)
height (default 300)
center (coordinates)
maptype (road/satellite)
travel mode (directions)
avoid (directions)
waypoints (directions)
units (directions)
- I have saved the settings;
- I have performed Reset Cache;
- I have clicked blue button: Update profile;
- I have clicked "Create new profile";
- I have clicked "Form designer" and entered to "profile/create";
- In the corresponding field for"New field name" I have completed profile_" with "googlemaps" resulting "profile_googlemaps";
- I have created the new field by clicking on " Create New Field";
- I have edited the new field as follows:
label: location
sub label : empty
help : Googlemaps
type : googlemaps
options : empty
default : empty
validation : (string) printable characters and HTML allowed by Quota
minimum : empty
maximum : empty
display groups : (group) Normal Users
required : checked
active : checked
- I have saved the changes by clicking on "Save changes";
- I have switched from right corner, same row with Form designer, from "profile/create" to "profile/settings";
- I have edited an identical field, as follows:
label: location
sub label : empty
help : Googlemaps
type : googlemaps
options : empty
default : empty
validation : (string) printable characters and HTML allowed by Quota
minimum : empty
maximum : empty
display groups : (group) Normal Users
required : checked
active : checked
- I have saved the changes by clicking on "Save changes";
- I have clicked on my profile, from main menu;
- I have clicked blue button: Update profile;
- In "Profile", I have scrolled down to the new field "Location", where the map was showing up, and above it the corresponding field for address input;
- I have typed an address and it was suggested to me the best address match, which I have clicked;
- The map automatically centered to my chosen location;
- I have scrolled down and clicked "Save";
- The address was entered successfully into the database, and I have called it to profile page, below my online / offline status by profile_googlemaps;
- The address text displayed successfully;
I wanted to show also the map with this address on profile page, so I have performed the following actions:
- I have read the documentation, and I tried to search for "/modules/jrProfile/templates/item_detail.tpl" , but "item_detail.tpl" does not exist;
- Instead, there exists the template "item_list.tpl" ("/modules/jrProfile/templates/item_list.tpl" ) which I have tried to edit , by adding just above the footer the following smarty function: {ujGoogleMaps_map name="map" map=$_profile module="jrProfile" height="300"};
- I have saved the template and performed Reset Cache;
- I have clicked on my profile, but the map did not show up;
- I have deleted the smarty function from ("/modules/jrProfile/templates/item_list.tpl" ) saved the template and performed Reset Cache;
- I have looked into the skin folder, and found template "profile_item_detail.tpl", which I have tried to edit , by adding just above the footer the same smarty function: {ujGoogleMaps_map name="map" map=$_profile module="jrProfile" height="300"};
- I have saved the template and performed Reset Cache;
- I have clicked on my profile, but the map did not show up;
- I have deleted the smarty function from "profile_item_detail.tpl", saved the template and performed Reset Cache;
I do not know where I am doing wrong!
I would really appreciate some advice / ideas / solutions regarding this matter.
Thank You!
updated by @musicianband: 01/31/15 06:24:59PM