
Table of Contents:

Enable for quota
  • Replaces the TinyMCE source code window with a more advanced code view.

    Benefit from CodeMirror syntax highlighting, indentation and find/replace functionality.
  • Installation

    Install the module via the Marketplace.

    Enable it and allow for any quotas.

    In jrCore form_editor.tpl or its skin override jrCore_form_editor.tpl add the following:
        codemirror: {
        	indentOnInit: true, // indent code
        	path: '{$_conf.jrCore_base_url}/modules/ujEditorCodeMirror/contrib/codemirror/', // custom codemirror instance
        	config: { // CodeMirror config object
    		   lineNumbers: false
  • And replace the word "code" in both plugins: and toolbar: with the following:
    {if $ujeditorcodemirror}ujeditorcodemirror{else}code{/if}
  • Enable for quota

    On the module's Quota tab, enable for the quotas you want to use the advanced editor on. Other quotas will see the normal code editor.
  • The ujEditorCodeMirror module uses its own instance of CodeMirror as it requires the latest version.

    It implements the TinyMCE plugin by Arjan Haverkamp
