What is Latitude and Longitude?
The latitude specifies a location's distance north or south of the equator. The longitude specifies the location's distance east or west from an imaginary, arbitrary line connecting the North and South Poles. This line is called the Prime Meridian and passes through Greenwich, UK. Google Maps uses decimal degrees rather than degrees, minutes, and seconds. Precede South latitudes and West longitudes with a minus sign. Greenwich has a latitude of 51.4788 and a longitude of 0.00. A location to the west of Greenwich would be - x degrees, to the east + x degrees. The Eastern Hemisphere goes all the way around 180 degrees to the east (eg lng=22.837746), and the Western Hemisphere goes all the way around to the west 180 degrees (eg lng=-22.028). lat=90 is the north pole, lat=-90 is the south pole, lat=0 is on the equator.