{ujCategories_default_index category_set="genres" page_title="Xgenres"}
{$i = 0}
{foreach from=$_cat_options key="category_url" item="category"}
{$category_url = jrCore_url_string($category_url)}
{if $i == 0}
<div class="row">
<div class="col3{if $i == 4} last{/if}">
<div class="media_title center p20">
<a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$xurl}/{$category_url}">{$category}</a>
{$i = $i+1}
{if $i == 4}
{$i = 0}
{* This is the category_description template for the front page of the category set *}
{ujCategories_default_index category_set="genres" page_title="Xgenres"}
{$murl = 'talents'}
{$fieldname = 'profile_myModule_talents'}
{$order_by = "_created"}
{$_catnav_list = ujCategories_get_categories('talents')}{* where 'talents' is the category set name/url *}
{assign var="selected" value=$fieldname}
{jrCore_page_title title=$murl}
{jrCore_include template="header.tpl"}
{if isset($_post.option) && strlen($_post.option) > 0}
{$category = $_catnav_list[$_post.option]}
{$search = $_post.option|replace:"-":"_"}
{$template = "talents_row.tpl"}
{*jrCore_list module="jrProfile" order_by={$order_by} search="{$fieldname} like %{$search}%" pagebreak=5 page={$p} pager=true*}
<div class="inner">
{if isset($_post.option)}
{jrCore_list module="jrProfile" order_by=$order_by search="`$fieldname` like %`$search`%" pagebreak=$_conf.ujCategories_default_pagebreak page=$p pager=true}
{$i = 0}
{foreach from=$_catnav_list key="category_url" item="category"}
{$category_url = jrCore_url_string($category_url)}
{if $i == 0}
<div class="row">
<div class="col3{if $i == 4} last{/if}">
<div class="media_title center p20">
<a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/{$category_url}">{$category}</a>
{$i = $i+1}
{if $i == 4}
{$i = 0}
{jrCore_include template="footer.tpl"}