The Hosting Transfer module is a small module that is installed on an existing Jamroom site and is used to help transfer the site to Jamroom Hosting. Can transfer sites based...
The Audio Support module adds Full Audio Support to your Jamroom site, including:
- Converting uploaded files in AAC, FLAC, WAV, WMA, OGG and M4A to custom MP3 bitrate.
Easily compose and send targeted Newsletters to your User base. Features:
- Easy to use WYSIWYG editor for creating HTML based newsletters.
- Target individual Profile...
The Media URL Scanner provides a Core Text Formatter that "scans" user text and replaces URLs to supported media sites with an inline, embedded player - this makes it super easy...
The Mailgun API module adds core support for sending email via the MailGun SMTP service, as well as tools for validating email addresses and processing bounced email.
The Issue Tracker module for Jamroom is an advanced Issue Tracking system - the exact same system used here on to track all Jamroom development and issues,...
The Banned Items module allows you to "ban" specific items from your site:
- Words (i.e. profanity filter)
- IP Addresses
- Email Addresses and Domains
- User Names and...
Fan Club is our latest skin for blogging communities. It features a smart grid for your featured stories. The smart grid arranges itself automatically based on the number of...