Item Ratings module changelog
Version 1.4.3:
- Bug Fix: Rating counts may not be incremented correctly
- Bug Fix: "Allow Self Ratings" Quota config option may not work correctly
Version 1.4.2:
- Change: Action template text update
Version 1.4.1:
- Bug Fix: Some ratings could return a "cannot re-rate" error even if the user had never rated
Version 1.4.0:
- New: Updated with new star graphics including support for high density displays
- New: "rate_item" event is fired with item info before rating is added to the rating DataStore
- Change: Removed "Default Format" Global Config option - not being used (controlled by skins)
- Change: Visitors are redirected to login when trying to rate if Require Login is enabled
Version 1.3.4:
- Bug Fix: Timeline entries for ratings could be created with an incorrect profile_id
Version 1.3.3:
- Bug Fix: Quota settings for admin users not being checked if not rating item on home profile
Version 1.3.2:
- Bug Fix: If admins had their quota set to 'no self rating' they couldn't like any other item
Version 1.3.1:
- Bug Fix: Background image was not overridable via the IMAGES tab in the ACP
Version 1.3.0:
- New: "Only Active Modules" global config that checks active modules in rating listings
Version 1.2.8:
- New: Template directory can now be passed into the Rating Form smarty call
Version 1.2.7:
- Bug Fix: Titles of rated action items now showing correctly in notifications
Version 1.2.6:
- Bug Fix: Invalid HTML markup when using star rating
Version 1.2.5:
- Change: jrCore_list for jrRating module will only return items for active modules
- Bug Fix: Multiple ratings on same page for same item not using unique HTML id's
Version 1.2.4:
- Bug Fix: URL to rated item in notification email using incorrect item title URL
Version 1.2.3:
- Bug Fix: Rating Average being computed incorrectly for some rating types
- Change: No longer storing unused and hard coded "rating_url" key in rating DataStore
Version 1.2.2:
- Bug Fix: race condition in rating could cause item to be updated with invalid rating value
Version 1.2.1:
- Bug Fix: Profile and User ratings had incorrect URL in email rating notification
- Change: Rating notification email is only sent on initial rating, not on a re-rating
Version 1.2.0:
- New: "bayesian_rating" order_by support added for jrCore_list calls
Version 1.1.4:
- New: Rating email notifications added.
- New: Added option to allow users to rate their own items by quota.
- Bug Fix: Removed console.log function call from module javascript file
- Bug Fix: Ratings from non-logged in users may not be counted correctly
Version 1.1.3:
- Bug Fix: Master and Admin users now have rating actions show on their home timeline
Version 1.1.2:
- Bug Fix: ratings for jrProfile and jrUser not showing correctly in DataStore Browser
- Bug Fix: rating URL for jrProfile and jrUser updated to use the correct URL in the action timeline.
Version 1.1.1:
- Bug Fix: rating title not being set correctly on Profile and User ratings
Version 1.1.0:
- New: Global Config option "Require Login" that of unchecked will allow non-logged in users to rate items
Version 1.0.3:
- Added option to allow ratings to be actioned.
Version 1.0.2:
- Added support for 'values' parameter in star ratings
Version 1.0.0:
- Initial Release