Jamroom 4 Import

Jamroom 4 Import
Category:  Tools
Version:  1.1.9
Size:  132KB
License:  MPL
Updated:  11/20/21 08:42:35AM

This is the Jamroom Import module - designed to "import" an existing Jamroom 4 site into a new Jamroom installation.

Jamroom 5 (and newer) are not a direct upgrade to Jamroom 4 - do not simply install Jamroom over top of Jamroom 4 - it will break your existing Jamroom 4 installation!

The steps required to upgrade to Jamroom are:

1) Setup a new site running Jamroom 5+ (all modules installed that you will use)
2) Install the Jamroom 4 module in your existing Jamroom 4 install and set the access key
3) Run the Import tool from your new Jamroom site and fill in the information to "import" your existing Jamroom 4 site into the new Jamroom site.

The upgrade from Jamroom 4 to Jamroom is technical, and can take many hours depending on if your Jamroom installation is in the same data center as your Jamroom 4 install, and depending on how large the data is in your existing Jamroom 4 install.


