Followers to Friends sets up the Jamroom Followers system to work like a "Friends" system by automatically "following back" a profile when a user follows a new profile. Includes a tool to set all Profile settings to require Follower approval so it works like a Friends request.
Followers to Friends module changelog
Version 1.1.0:
- Change: Updated to work with latest Follower module
Version 1.0.8:
- Bug Fix: Wrong profile being set when is the admin user doing the following
Version 1.0.7:
- Bug Fix: Duplicate follower entries could occur in some instances
Version 1.0.6:
- New: Friend now follows back immediately if approval is not required
Version 1.0.5:
- Change: Wording adjusted to make it clearer what is happening in the tools
Version 1.0.4:
- New: Set Approval tool in the ACP can now change in both directions on->off and off->on
- Change: Default state for new profiles 'Followers Require Approval' is now configurable in the Global Config tab
Version 1.0.3:
- Change: Wording for "Approve Followers" changed to "Followers Require Approval"
Version 1.0.2:
- New: Upon follower delete, the reciprocating follow is also deleted
Version 1.0.1:
- Bug Fix: It was possible for a follower to be added twice to a profile
Version 1.0.0:
- New: Initial Release of module