Jamroom System Core change log
Version 7.0.2:
- New: Added new jrCore_db_search_multiple_items_by_key() datastore function
- New: Added new queue_skip_lock Advanced Config Key to skip queue locks on MySQL 8+
- New: Added 'save_media_file_uploads' event trigger when saving uploaded media files
- New: Compressed data format for Activity Log ? button debug data
- Change: Added caching to jrCore_db_get_item_by_key() datastore function
- Change: Updated emoji replacement functions to be faster on large systems
- Change: jrCore_db_multi_query() is now a wrapper around jrCore_db_query()
- Change: Removed log_describe_query Advanced Config Key
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.45
- Bug Fix: Light box navigation could prevent long-press saving photos on mobile device
- Bug Fix: Updated BBCode CSS to handle long wrapping lines in quote blocks
Version 7.0.1:
- Change: Allow 'oninput' as a textarea attribute
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.43
- Bug Fix: Values on datastore items created by event listeners could appear as "keys" in the Data Browser
- Bug Fix: Fix for possible missing site CSS when switching to a new skin
- Bug Fix: Graph values for some graphs may be shifted by one day after daylight savings time change
- Bug Fix: Time selector in Date/Time fields can be off by one hour for some timezones
- Bug Fix: "weight" field value over 1000 was being formatted 1,000 on modify forms then failing validation
- Bug Fix: Image orientation flag may be skipped on image uploads in some versions of Chrome
Version 7.0.0:
- New: Updated Activity Log with new Full Text search index for faster searches
- New: Updated Activity Log priority select for finer control over displayed log priorities
- New: Updated Activity Log to support monthly archiving
- New: "Language Strings" option in Reset Caches tool to reset just the language string cache
- New: "Max Query Run Time" Global Config option to set max seconds an SQL query can run for
- New: "View Change Log" link added when viewing module "Info" tab
- New: Cache Reset tool has been updated with the ability to reset individual templates
- New: Integrity Check tool has been updated with the ability to repair individual modules
- New: Integrity Check tool has been updated with the ability to repair individual module tables
- New: Added "Verify Database" option to Integrity Check to only validate module schema files
- New: Added "Verify Languages" option to Integrity Check to only validate module language files
- New: Added Activity Log message throttling for duplicate messages with 10 seconds (configurable)
- New: "Search Area" support added for jrCore_page_search to allow specific search areas
- Change: Jamroom minimum PHP version changed to PHP 7.2+
- Change: Jamroom recommended minimum MySQL version change to 5.7.0+
- Change: Updated internal date and time functions to be PHP 8.1+ compatible
- Change: Updated bundled Smarty template library to version 4.2.1
- Change: Updated bundled HTMLPurifier library to version 4.14.0
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE Editor to version 5.10.5
- Change: Updated date picker to make the variable available in the global space
- Change: webp file extension and image support added to known file types
- Change: download and stream views no longer support Parameter Injection
- Bug Fix: "Select Date" form field type could cause errors when interacting with Javascript
- Bug Fix: "Select and Text" form field default values not saving correctly
- Bug Fix: Pending Item approved email was not being sent due to invalid user_id
- Bug Fix: Pending items that had been previously rejected could show in site listings
Version 6.5.13:
- New: Abilty to Pause and Resume individual queues has been added to the Queue Viewer
- New: Ability to "delete all matching" from activity log to delete all matching a search
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.39
- Change: Email is no longer blocked if the email has an empty body content
- Change: Checktype for phone numbers requires 7 digits apart from spaces
- Change: Cache Reset tool now has individual reset options for Javascript and CSS
- Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in jrCore_weight_format where decimals on pounds may not show
- Bug Fix: jrCore_strip_url_params() fails to strip empty parameters
- Bug Fix: CSS Custom Editor contents may not appear after saving changes
Version 6.5.12:
- Change: New "Database Info" browser/tool linked to the database version in System Check
- Change: Updates and optimizations to better support PHP 8+
- Bug Fix: Search may break when searching for multiple forward slashes (/)
- Bug Fix: Possible duplicated CSS classes in some form fields
Version 6.5.11:
- New: "clear" parameter for "daterange" field that adds a "clear" button to reset them
- New: Advance Config Key to force stream counter increments for configured modules on each play
- New: "included_css" and "included_javascript" events fired before creating site CSS and Javascript
- Change: Failed database inserts into the cache tables no longer create debug log entry
- Change: Activity log debug data is now limited to a max of 64k per log entry
- Change: Form fields set for "email" validation will have white space around entries stripped
- Change: Template function jrCore_upload_button now takes "token" as a parameter
Version 6.5.10:
- New: Time display relative option now supports future as well as past times
- New: Core module Recycle Bin support functions added for non-DataStore tables
- New: Delete button added to form uploads prior to form submission
- Change: Updates to support changes in PHP 8
- Change: "multiple" file support with upload limit added to {jrCore_upload_button} template function
- Change: Updated bundled Smarty template library to version 3.1.38
- Change: Updated bundled jQuery to version 3.6.0
- Change: allow the attribute 'autofocus' to be added to text type form fields
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.37
- Bug Fix: Possible SQL error in Activity log when using a search string with hidden characters
- Bug Fix: "page_table_row.tpl" updated to work correctly with a single table cell on mobile devices
- Bug Fix: Ordering of some lists could be incorrect if using an "in" list without a specified order_by
- Bug Fix: Possible double "class" elements on some custom form fields
- Bug Fix: File form fields that allow multiple uploads with a limit may not enforce the limit
- Bug Fix: Smarty birthday format call not returning years before 1970
Version 6.5.9:
- New: Added hourly maintenance function to cleanup expired Live Search result temp database entries
- New: Form Designer updated with new "Group" column to show which groups fields are visible to
- Bug Fix: More than $max_entries queue entries were being created under some circumstances
- Bug Fix: "datetime" and "time" fields were not displaying correctly if given a "timezone" key
- Bug Fix: jrCore_format_time() was not handling the "adjust" for timezone parameter correctly
- Bug Fix: Drop down calendar chooser in form fields could show incorrect weekday order in header
- Bug Fix: "Stuck" queue entries may not be cleaned up correctly when exceeding allowed work time
- Bug Fix: Some BBCode code blocks may not be parsed correctly if they contain embedded "code" words
Version 6.5.8:
- Change: Updated delete profile to work in "chunks" for very large profiles when moving to recycle bin
- Change: Updated bundled jQuery to version 3.5.1
- Bug Fix: Possible SQL error when searching items with a page value greater than the result set size
- Bug Fix: jrCore_delete_local_cache_key() may not correctly delete the local APCu cache key
- Bug Fix: "detected" site URL during install may be incorrect on sites installing in a sub directory
- Bug Fix: Phone numbers in datastores may show as dates in the Data Browser when viewing Keys
- Bug Fix: The form designer "Field Options" could show incorrect if the first character was a zero (0)
- Bug Fix: Sleeping a queue entry more than 9 times would delete queue_id for "failing 10 times"
Version 6.5.7:
- New: "timezone" is now supported as a parameter on the "datetime" form field
- Change: Live Search field value must be longer than 2 characters to initiate search
- Change: Name of file to be downloaded added to "download_file" event
- Bug Fix: User Data variables were not always being made available for use in email templates
- Bug Fix: Live Search form fields could trigger search on empty value
- Bug Fix: Exporting matched CSV entries from the Dashboard -> Data Browser may not include all entries
Version 6.5.6:
- New: "email_info" event trigger added that is fired with email info before sending
- Change: Updated form validation functions to make them more flexible for module use
- Change: Updated activity log history delete function to run every 10 minutes + be lighter on the system
- Change: Updated Integrity Check form to indicate the options that are not normally required
- Change: Updated debug popup to better display HTML email when logging sent email to Activity Log
- Bug Fix: Updating a Form Designer field could show incorrect language strings for "sublabel" and "help"
Version 6.5.5:
- New: Ability to define an event listener as a "priority" listener that is called first
- New: Support added for "form_validate = false" to jrCore_form_create() to bypass Core form validation
- New: "section_header" element added to Form Designer to allow a section header to be added to a form
- Bug Fix: "live_search" fields had double class attributes in the output HTML
- Bug Fix: "Repair Module DB" queue was created even if "Repair Modules" was not checked in Integrity Check
- Bug Fix: Ordering by "display order" could be incorrect for lists made on items outside the profile
Version 6.5.4:
- Bug Fix: The display order for profile items could be different for logged in versus logged out users
- Bug Fix: Some audio/video titles may not appear correctly when using the Playlist audio player
- Bug Fix: Audio files for sale may not stream OGG version of sample file correctly
Version 6.5.3:
- Change: Updated file meta data functions to handle multiple file uploads better
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE Editor to version 5.3.1
- Bug Fix: Changing a module URL in the module "info" page could result in a 404 not found page
- Bug Fix: Fixes to prevent some errors when upgrading old versions of the Jamroom Core
- Bug Fix: Previous and Next arrows showing in Lightbox on mobile when there is only 1 image
- Bug Fix: Fresh install in a domain subdirectory may not redirect to the install.php script correctly
Version 6.5.2:
- New: "optionlist" CSS class added to right side of optionlist in form display
- New: Added support for "jrCore_same_site" advanced config key to control SameSite cookie value
- Change: db_error.tpl and fatal_error.tpl updated to use SVG image instead of PNG
- Change: Updated bundled HTMLPurifier library to version 4.12.0
- Change: Radio fields can now be selected by clicking on the associated text label
- Bug Fix: Possible "recursive trigger error" for jrCore_exit when running in cluster
- Bug Fix: Form errors displayed in scrollable modal form were not scrolling to the top of the form
- Bug Fix: "Delete All" button in Queue Viewer to delete all entries in a queue was not working
Version 6.5.1:
- Change: Updated IP address detection to work correctly with Cloudflare
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE Editor to version 5.2.2
- Bug Fix: Editor was not working correctly on some mobile devices
- Bug Fix: Possible javascript jQuery error on sites running some very old (JR5) modules
- Bug Fix: Audio players may not show the title of the audio file
Version 6.5.0:
- New: "Custom Editor" tab added to Skin Style section to allow for custom CSS to be added to skin
- New: "db_delete_multiple_item" event added that is fired when deleting multiple module items
- New: Much faster template handling if APC functions are enabled on server
- New: Daily and Monthly Datastore item counts added as available panels in the Dashboard
- New: "Restore Selected" and "Delete Selected" options added to Recycle Bin
- New: "page_table_header", "page_table_row" and "page_table_footer" events fired in page tables
- New: jrCore_page_icon_button() function for creating Material Design icon buttons in the ACP
- New: Date selector added to Activity Log to view entries for specific date
- New: "age_range" form field for selecting an age range
- New: "age_range" CheckType plugin added to validate values entered in age_range fields
- New: Support added for "svg_color" skin feature registration to set default SVG color
- New: "Export CSV" changes to "Export Matching CSV" to export only matching datastore browser entries
- New: "Fullscreen" Dashboard view suitable for placing on a large monitor
- New: HTML email logged to Activity Log is viewable without HTML stripped in the Activity Log detail popup
- New: Repeat functionality added to the 'date' form field
- Change: "Log in to Stream" and "Log in to Download" global config options removed - handled by modules
- Change: Updated to use new CSS3 animated spinner in Admin Control Panel instead of animated PNG
- Change: Pending templates updated to include information about module and item
- Change: TinyMCE editor is now loaded from a custom loader to help prevent caching on Chrome
- Change: "Color and Font" and "Padding and Margin" tabs removed from the Skin Style section
- Change: Searching for CSS in Style editor now returns all matching CSS selectors (not just tagged)
- Change: When using the Color Picker in the Style editor you can now enter a hex color code directly
- Change: Performance updates to MySQL cache sub system improves delete performance on busy systems
- Change: "pending_data" column has been removed from the pending table - not used
- Change: Cache maintenance function moved to Minute Maintenance event
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.34
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE Editor to version 5.2.0
- Change: Updated bundled Lightbox 2 plugin to version 2.11.0
- Change: jrCore_money_format() is deprecated and not available on PHP 7.4.0+
- Change: Removed core provided jQuery.browser - provided by jQuery Migrate
- Change: 'hour_format' option added to datetime fields to allow formatting of time
- Change: Removed support for the "module_icons" skin registered function - no longer used
- Change: The way profile and user names are checked updated
- Bug Fix: Some jrCore_list calls may not be cached correctly
- Bug Fix: Canceling from a form after an error was encountered may not reset the form session
- Bug Fix: Uploading multiple files may not appear in the order they were selected for upload
- Bug Fix: Multiple deletes of pending items was not working
- Bug Fix: Cookies set using jrSetCookie JS function may not be readable by jrCore_get_cookie in PHP
- Bug Fix: Was possible to upload files with size greater than the configured limit
- Bug Fix: image/webp mime type images were not being detected as valid image types
Version 6.4.0:
- New: "get_icon_html" event added that is fired to get icon HTML for interface icons
- New: jrCore_db_paged_query() now accepts "simplepagebreak" as $c_query param
- New: "ten_minute_maintenance" event fired every ten minutes on the first request in the minute
- New: "is_false" checktype plugin returns TRUE if value is false, "false", 0 or "0"
- New: Added "item_action_button.tpl" to control display of item action buttons
- New: repair.php script updated to allow individual repair option selections
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE Editor to version 5.0.14
- Change: The label text of the sub-value form element of select_and_text fields can now be custom
- Change: Profile cache reset moved to end of view process to ensure reset before refresh
- Change: Updated bundled jQuery to version 3.4.1 and included Migrate plugin version 1.4.1
- Change: Control Panel fail/pass images have been changed to use HTML instead of PNG images
- Change: Previous/Next icon images updated with new icons
- Change: Updated live_search field to (hopefully) prevent Chrome auto fill
- Change: Broken link of maintenance mode message removed
- Change: item create/update/delete template button function no longer supports "image" parameter
- Change: "hidden" keys are now visible in the Data Browser when using "View Keys"
- Bug Fix: Deleting Activity Log may not appear to delete entry without refresh
- Bug Fix: Some long key names used for images by datastore items may not save correctly
- Bug Fix: Some IP6 interfaces could cause the viewer's IP address to show incorrectly
- Bug Fix: Control Panel tabs without an associated URL link may not be styled correctly
- Bug Fix: Possible SQL Error when saving a new Form Designer field in some instances
- Bug Fix: Setting default to FALSE for "datetime" and "time" fields was showing a selected time
- Bug Fix: Core provided URL handler not working correctly in PHP 7.3+
- Bug Fix: _profile_id could be set to 0 (zero) on some jrCore_db_update_item calls
- Bug Fix: Form Designer fields could be saved in incorrect order
- Bug Fix: "Priority Only" showing DBG (debug) log entries in Activity Log
- Bug Fix: Right clicking in the TinyMCE editor showing "link" menu instead of browser menu
Version 6.3.0:
- New: "Log In to Stream" and "Log In to Download" config options added to global config
- New: Updated table support for mobile devices to allow easier viewing on small screens
- New: "DS Item Count" key added to module info page to show number of items in module datastore
- New: "caching_is_enabled" core event fired when checking if caching is enabled
- New: db_error.tpl is shown when the system is unable to connect to the database
- New: id tags can be set on the containing rows for page custom elements
- New: Ability to select multiple Activity Logs for deletion
- Change: Removed "Allowed Domains" global config setting - no longer used
- Change: 'upload_attachments' template now handles option to not show the delete file icon
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE Editor to version 4.9.3
- Change: colorpicker, fileuploader, lightbox and simplemodal Javascript moved to /contrib directory
- Change: Added some user facing error messages to the core language strings
- Change: "Log 404 Not Found" global config option moved to "Maintenance" tab
- Change: Media play keys are handled using cookies since HTTP referrer field is no longer usable
- Change: Updated bundled Smarty template library to version 3.1.33
- Bug Fix: File Upoad buttons on forms using the mobile WYSIWYG editor may not work correctly
- Bug Fix: Deleting an item with comments that have attachments could leave orphaned files
- Bug Fix: "Use Default" button in Global Config help drop down section may not set default correctly
- Bug Fix: "datetime" field validation was not being enforced in some cases
- Bug Fix: Uploads with parenthesis in file name may not upload correctly
Version 6.2.0:
- New: Improved sort performance when listing items using a Cluster Scaling Tools key index
- New: "form_create" event trigger added that is fired when a new form session is created
- New: Pagination has been added to the Restore Recycle Bin Item content listing
- Change: "date" and "datetime" form fields now use the same calendar chooser as the "daterange" field
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE Editor to version 4.9.2
- Change: Text change to advise admins when deleting a pending user the associated profile will not be deleted
- Change: Logged email when using the "Log Sent Email to Activity Log" option are now stripped of HTML
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.33
- Bug Fix: Very large profiles with thousands of items may not appear in the Recycle Bin when deleted
- Bug Fix: Some select options in the module Global Config may not show as pre-selected correctly
- Bug Fix: Email addresses with consecutive periods in the local portion were being allowed
- Bug Fix: Some queue entries may not be deleted correctly after failing 10 consecutive times
- Bug Fix: Possible CORB error when streaming audio or video using Chrome
- Bug Fix: Some downloaded item files may not get the correct file extension for the file type
- Bug Fix: Cached results could be used in some instances when "no_cache" parameter is set
- Bug Fix: Select fields using optgroups may not validate correctly in some instances
- Bug Fix: Some [code] blocks with embedded [code] blocks could be rendered incorrectly
Version 6.1.11:
- New: "validate_location_url" event trigger added to check URL when performing CSRF URL check
- New: "weight" form field added to Form Designer for accepting weight in Pounds and Kilograms
- New: "daterange" form field added to Form Designer for ability to select date range
- New: "time" form field added to Form Designer to allow for stand alone time chooser
- New: "include_now" and "minute_size" field parameter support for datetime and time form field
- Change: Download file name now includes the field name to distinguish items with multiple files
- Bug Fix: Redirect URL after deleting an item may be incorrect when using a mapped domain
- Bug Fix: Invalid module value could be used in {jrCore_item_detail_features} template function
- Bug Fix: included missing "fatal_error.png" image file missing from version 6.1.10
- Bug Fix: date_birthday fields may be missing their value after a page refresh
- Bug Fix: weight fields may be missing their value after a page refresh
- Bug Fix: Some ACP search fields could double the search_string URL parameter
Version 6.1.10:
- New: Added "fatal_error.tpl" that is shown when the system encounters an unrecoverable error
- New: Added support for %O ordinal suffix for use in jrCore_format_time
- Change: Updated local cache functions to allow caching in Developer Mode
- Change: "onchange" event now fires for both the calendar and time select in a "datetime" field
- Change: "date" and "datetime" form fields now use only the drop down date picker to select the date
- Bug Fix: @mentions not linking without at least 1 lowercase version of the mention in the text
- Bug Fix: Opening bracket in a function may be placed incorrectly within a [code] block
- Bug Fix: Admin javascript may not be included in page when doing a Marketplace update
- Bug Fix: Possible "Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value" SQL error in Activity Log
- Bug Fix: "Users" tab may not show in Pending Items dashboard depending on other pending items
- Bug Fix: "default" value in some form fields may not be used correctly
- Bug Fix: "Human Check" form field element may not respect form ordering in Form Designer
- Bug Fix: Chained Select form field elements may not always display in correct select order
- Bug Fix: Chained Select custom form fields may appear incorrectly in the Form Designer
Version 6.1.9:
- Change: Changes to form_field_elements.tpl + updates to make forms look better on mobile devices
- Change: Updated bundled Smarty template library to version 3.1.32
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.32
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE Editor to version 4.7.13
- Change: X-Frame-Options header will no longer be set if set previously by a module
- Change: Removed older versions of jQuery that were no longer being used
- Bug Fix: Form Designer fields set to specific quota IDs may not show to multi-profile users
- Bug Fix: Time stamp could show in wrong location in Time selector for existing form dates
Version 6.1.8:
- New: Optional "skin_verify" and "skin_deactivate" include.php functions called when skin activates and deactivates
- New: New queue events "validate_queue_info" and "validate_queue_data" added
- Change: Added additional font-weights 100-900 for font-weight selector in skin Style editor
- Change: Form Designer hidden field value can now be changed from the default value
- Bug Fix: "placeholder" text was not showing correctly in custom Live Search fields
- Bug Fix: Checktype for float could return FALSE on numbers with a very long fractional part
- Bug Fix: Item List widget was not showing item "count" keys for use in searching or ordering
- Bug Fix: font-weight and font-family rules may change incorrectly in skin Style editor
- Bug Fix: "simplepagebreak" could show next-page link even if there were no more items
- Bug Fix: "ignore_missing" jrCore_list param not returning all items if ordering on *_count key
- Bug Fix: Chained Select custom form fields could be displayed in the wrong order
- Bug Fix: Smileys in quoted text may not show depending on active string formatters in Quota
- Bug Fix: Some {jrCore_list} calls that would group by _profile_id may not work correctly
- Bug Fix: SweetAlert modal window could be off center on some mobile devices
Version 6.1.7:
- New: "is_local_url" Event triggered when checking if a URL is a local URL
- New: 'range' form field added which displays the HTML5 input type
- Change: Added gzip support to HTML responses for browsers that support it
- Change: Cache functions updated to use a bit more memory for improved performance
- Change: Additional queue info is recorded to the Activity Log when a queue worker is reset
- Change: "printable" checktype function now allows emoji to pass through
- Change: Improved checking of in-progress queue workers to ensure the process is still running
- Bug Fix: Pager URLs when Jamroom is installed in a sub directory may not be created correctly
- Bug Fix: Broken link in the View button of the Tools section of the ACP search results page
- Bug Fix: Restoring a deleted item from the recycle bin may not restore correctly
- Bug Fix: Modified template could be saved with a syntax error in the Template Editor
- Bug Fix: New Form Designer field was not requiring the underscore after the module prefix
Version 6.1.6:
- New: Improved ability to repair and recover from template files corrupted by the file system
- New: "module_activated" event trigger fired when a module is activated from the info tab
- New: "module_deactivated" event trigger fired when a module is deactivated from the info tab
- New: Ability to set "queue_sleep" option for jrCore_send_email to delay email delivery
- New: 'placeholder' values get replaced by language value keys if one exists
- Change: Upgraded bundled TinyMCE Editor to version 4.7.6 which includes mobile phone support
- Change: Updated bundled PEAR and Tar libraries with code for compatibility with PHP 7.2+
- Bug Fix: Multiple _profile_id not_in search conditions for jrCore_db_search_items not working correctly
- Bug Fix: SQL Query could hang if error received from MySQL server during connection
- Bug Fix: Expired queue entries not being reset if posix functions not enabled in PHP install
- Bug Fix: Search condition in Item List Widget may only show first word of multi word match
- Bug Fix: {jrCore_item_list_buttons} size, class and color parameters not working on admin config button
- Bug Fix: "Purge Activity Logs" set to "never" could still delete some activity logs
- Bug Fix: Emptying Recycle Bin may not update Profile Disk Usage for all profiles affected
- Bug Fix: Some profile_id specific jrCore_list calls could return empty for logged out users
- Bug Fix: Form Designer editor fields set to "required" could be saved with empty content
- Bug Fix: Modifying CSS in Style tab for module could override all CSS elements in module CSS file
- Bug Fix: emoji in url could cause a blank white screen in some circumstances
Version 6.1.5:
- New: Added support for "IN" where clause in jrCore_db_run_key_function()
- New: Added $cache_reset boolean parameter to update/delete multiple item functions
- New: db_search_params listeners can set full_result_set key to be used as results
- New: "db_search_results" event triggered with results from jrCore_db_search_items()
- Change: "Set Item Order" button no longer shows if there are no items created
- Change: Update to counter IP address checking to improve performance on large systems
- Change: Update to jrCore_tinymce.css so text editor text area is not one line.
- Change: Downloaded file name will now use title_url.extension if item has one
- Bug Fix: Users unable to delete comment attachments if not on home profile
- Bug Fix: db_search_count_query event did not include actual count of result set
Version 6.1.4:
- New: "Purge Activity Logs" global config setting to purge activity logs older than X days
- New: "db_create_item_data" event listener to get data keys before item_id is created
- New: Support added for "between" and "not_between" search operators for jrCore_list
- Change: User and URL included in DB query logging to help identify location
- Change: Hourly Maintenance only logs to Activity Log if it takes longer than 5 seconds to run
- Bug Fix: Queue Latency could show highlighted even if queue was already being worked
- Bug Fix: Using a language other than English could result in malformed characters being saved
- Bug Fix: Minute maintenance queue may not run if queue data gets corrupted
- Bug Fix: Possible "invalid button type" error when re-ordering bundle detail item action buttons
- Bug Fix: Email delivery throttling may not work correctly for send_email_low_priority queue
- Bug Fix: Progress bar and seeking were not working correctly in Chrome when streaming audio
- Bug Fix: Date and DateTime calendar form field was not showing selected date when updating
- Bug Fix: Item display order may not be set correctly when deleting profile items
Version 6.1.3:
- Change: Item List widgets now include ignore_missing parameter by default
- Bug Fix: Calendar Date Picker may show invalid date error if not using English
- Bug Fix: Quota Limit for items error may show to some users incorrectly
- Bug Fix: jrCore_stats template function could return invalid counts for some modules
- Bug Fix: jrCore_list order_by RAND with limit 1 would not return all item_id's equally
- Bug Fix: System Check may show error for Language Support if not using English as system default
Version 6.1.2:
- New: Queue data is now optimized and validated by the hourly maintenance worker
- Change: Added missing "per page" text in table pager to language file
- Change: Admin JavaScript added to separate file to decrease main JS file size
- Bug Fix: Save Changes not working from modify template interface
- Bug Fix: Smarty functions provided by disabled modules could still be executed
- Bug Fix: Audio/Video may not stream on some versions of IE/Edge due to bad headers from browser
Version 6.1.1:
- New: Advanced Config Keys tool for creating/updating options in the data/config/config.php file
- Bug Fix: Tools and Config buttons would return a 404 page in ACP search if module is disabled
- Bug Fix: Invalid permissions on data/cache directory could cause a parse template error loop
- Bug Fix: MySQL version 5.1.x was showing as supported in the System Check when it is not supported
- Bug Fix: "Reset" Button when viewing a modified module or skin template was not working
- Bug Fix: Possible order_by error in activity log if ordering by _profile_id in jrCore_list
Version 6.1.0:
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor to version 4.6.5
- Change: upload_button.tpl added ability to limit uploads via the Profile Daily Limits module
- Change: Updated way site is tested for SSL to make it more reliable
- Bug Fix: Ordered and unordered lists could have unwanted line breaks before and/or after list
- Bug Fix: Cached Javascript not being reset for alternate skins used in Profile Tweaks
- Bug Fix: Pending Items delete confirmation was not working correctly
Version 6.1.0b6:
- Change: Quota Max Upload limit is no longer applied to admin users working on a profile
- Change: Datastore query optimizations for jrCore_list calls with mixed quota settings
- Bug Fix: Item List Site Builder widget search conditions may show incorrect modifier on edit
- Bug Fix: "fdebug" jrCore_db_search_items parameter not working when added to a jrCore_list call
Version 6.1.0b5:
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor to version 4.6.4
- Change: Updated add to activity log SQL query to make it more efficient
- Bug Fix: Custom video player templates using "video_file_mobile" field would not stream
- Bug Fix: Full Page cache key updated to differentiate between mobile, tablet and desktop
Version 6.1.0b4:
- New: Text strings in date picker have been added to the System Core "language" tab
- Bug Fix: Upgrading from Jamroom Core 5.2.x or older could hang when running an integrity check
- Bug Fix: Some URLs with unicode characters may not show the entire URL as "clickable"
- Bug Fix: Using "ignore_missing" jrCore_list parameter could include incorrect items in list
Version 6.1.0b3:
- Change: Form Designer fields must now be lowercase only
- Bug Fix: Full Page caching was not working correctly for some logged out browsers
- Bug Fix: Dates with month or day names may not render correctly in some languages
- Bug Fix: New modal alert dialog box was causing long pages to scroll to the top
- Bug Fix: Profile item counts could be incorrect after deleting audio and video albums
Version 6.1.0b2:
- New: Images for items with attached images are now shown in the Recycle Bin
- New: Detect corrupted templates and automatically rebuild them at display time if needed
- New: Admin users can create profile items even if profile has reached the quota limit
- New: Updated support for template buttons to include "bundled" items such as albums, galleries, etc.
- Change: jrCore_strip_html now strips embed tags when used as a variable modifier
- Bug Fix: Bullet and Unordered list buttons may not show in WYSIWYG editor even if allowed in HTML tags
- Bug Fix: "Search" in Language tab would revert to en-US if different language selected before search
- Bug Fix: Some non-admin Javascript could be excluded from the main site Javascript file
Version 6.1.0b1:
- New: Template Compare updated to make it easier to spot differences between custom and default templates
- New: "Compare" button not clickable if no differences found between the compared templates (in new clones)
- New: Admin specific JavaScript is now loaded only for admins from a separate "admin" Javascript file
- New: Custom confirm prompt has replaced the default Javascript confirm prompt
- New: "Full Page Caching" support added for logged out users (enable in Global Config)
- New: "upload_prepare" and "upload_saved" event triggers for custom file upload checks
- New: "X-Frame-Options" header is now sent on requests to enhance site security
- Change: Icon Sprites are now served from the active skin cache directory instead of media directory "0"
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor to version 4.5.6
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.25
- Change: Updated bundled Lightbox2 JavaScript library to version 2.9.0
- Change: Updated bundled Smarty template library to version 3.1.31
- Bug Fix: "required" message showing instead of "recommended" for some modules in the Info tab
Version 6.0.7:
- New: Support for "hidden" form field type in Form Designer
- Change: footer removed from Installer as it could cover up form fields on small screens
- Change: Forms missing "submit_value" key will now show default "save" for form submit button
- Bug Fix: Rare chance an item could be updated with a profile_id set to 0
- Bug Fix: Some templates with embedded Javascript may not work correctly coming from cache
Version 6.0.6:
- Change: debug() updated to accept variable parameters the same as fdebug()
- Change: database table type is now validated if Repair Modules is checked during Integrity Check
- Bug Fix: Passwords with backslash as last character not written correctly to config.php on install
- Bug Fix: "use_total_row_count" jrCore_db_search_items() parameter ignored if using simplepagebreak
- Bug Fix: Resetting a queue entry may not decrement in progress worker count
Version 6.0.5:
- New: Queue performance improvements for very busy systems with deep queues
- New: "Empty Queue" button in Queue Viewer to quickly delete all queue entries in a queue
- New: "placeholder" support added to custom textarea form fields in Form Designer
- Bug Fix: Latency value in Queue Viewer could be incorrect for mixed working and sleeping queues
- Bug Fix: Template name in template compare could be wrong when comparing a skin and module template
- Bug Fix: Added missing language strings for some form validation fields
- Bug Fix: Admin users getting email notifications for Timeline entries linked to pending items
Version 6.0.4:
- New: Template Compare tool updated to allow comparing skin override templates to module version
- Bug Fix: List ordering by _created may be incorrect if "Use Optimized Ordering" is unchecked
- Bug Fix: "view_results" event trigger was not being fired in jrCore_notice_page() on exit
- Bug Fix: Compiled "error_notice.tpl" not saved to active skin cache directory in some instances
Version 6.0.3:
- New: "Reset Caches" checkbox option on Integrity Check to reset database and template cache
- Change: Europe/Istanbul changed to Europe/Helsinki for UTC +2 in timezone selection
- Change: "Reset" queue entry button is now active for sleeping queue entries
- Bug Fix: Resetting template cache could interrupt an upload in progress
- Bug Fix: DataStore browser searches for explicit % (percent sign) not working
- Bug Fix: Emoji characters not showing in some HTML emails
- Bug Fix: Queue entries not working on dedicated Queue Server if missing worker modules
- Bug Fix: BBCode [quote] could cut off last word of sentence before quoted portion
- Bug Fix: BBCode replacement codes could show in HTML transactional emails
- Bug Fix: Fixed maintenance.tpl CSS so login link shows on all skins
Version 6.0.2:
- Change: Used memory is now formatted for easier reading when using fdebug()
- Change: repair.php.html is now copied to root directory when Core is updated in Marketplace
- Change: hardcoded "length" error messages in form validation moved to Language strings
- Bug Fix: "dotted" and "dotless" i no longer stripped when creating a title URL
- Bug Fix: Some GMT dates formatted with jrCore_date_format could be off by 1 hour
- Bug Fix: Emoji characters were being replaced with placeholders in some HTML emails
Version 6.0.1:
- Change: Process timeout value for Integrity Check increased for larger systems
- Bug Fix: HTML email detection for some modules may not work correctly
- Bug Fix: Some characters could show as HTML entities in email subject
- Bug Fix: Installer for Premium Packages failing for users with existing Jamroom.net account
Version 6.0.0:
- New: "Reset Form Sessions" option has been added to the Reset Caches tool
- Bug Fix: Time selection in Date/Time field could be off when modifying an item
Version 6.0.0b8:
- New: Pending Items are validated during an Integrity Check if "Repair Modules" is checked
- New: Pending Items show small "lock" icon to admins and profile owner to show state of item
- New: Approved Pending Item emails not being sent to item owners
- Bug Fix: Less than signs ( Skins section could return module config options
- Bug Fix: Email sent to addresses not attached to a user account may format weird
- Bug Fix: "Delete Module" checkbox showing on modules that had not been installed
- Bug Fix: Errors in custom templates may not be caught when saving in Template Editor
Version 6.0.0b4:
- New: "verify_skin" event that is fired during Integrity Check and when a skin is activated
- New: "minute_maintenance" event fired once a minute on the first request in the new minute
- New: "Low Priority" email delivery Queue for large sends of email to multiple recipients
- New: Activity Log email plugin logs email to Activity Log instead of sending for debugging purposes
- New: Offline repair script (repair.php.html) updated to run full integrity check
- Change: Info tab for a module now shows all modules (if any) that require it to function
- Change: If HTML transactional email is enabled, URLs are automatically hyperlinked before sending
- Change: Updated Maintenance Mode now shows a splash page with customizable background
- Change: Default Data Browser changed to User Accounts from User Profiles
- Bug Fix: Unable to reset password if site is in maintenance mode
Version 6.0.0b3:
- New: jrCore_is_developer_mode() function added
- Change: "Daylight Savings" Date and Time config removed and replaced with UTC Time Zone option
- Bug Fix: Setting skip_triggers to FALSE in jrCore_db_search_items params was skipping triggers
- Bug Fix: Possible double Location header in jrCore_location()
Version 6.0.0b2:
- New: "Daylight Savings" Date and Time config option to enable or disable automatic DLS adjustment
- Bug Fix: Multiple file uploads for different fields on same form may number incorrectly
- Bug Fix: Emoji replacement string could appear in non-HTML transaction emails
- Bug Fix: jrCore_format_string called on the exact same text multiple times may not work
- Bug Fix: Item deletion bypassing recycle bin if done during daily maintenance
- Bug Fix: @profile tags not being hyperlinked in some cases when using the WYSIWYG editor
- Bug Fix: "a string with more than 1 word" field validation type now working correctly
Version 6.0.0b1:
- New: jrCore_is_datastore_module() and jrCore_is_media_module() functions added
- New: A module can now include a "recommended" key for other modules in the meta function
- New: New "error_notice.tpl" template to allow customization of jrCore_notice() errors
- New: jrCore_db_get_multiple_items() now caches results by default (use $skip_caching)
- New: jrCore_get_option_image() now supports "notice" and "warning"
- New: Server side BBCode Code parser that is faster, simpler and safer than CodeMirror
- New: Skins can now have categories for grouping in the ACP Skin menu
- New: [s] strikethrough bbcode plugin added
- Change: BBCode plugins have been moved to the Core from the Profile Forum module
- Change: Cache performance updates to improve cache access and deletion on large systems
- Change: Low Level DataStore schema changes to improve performance on large sites
- Change: Delete Skin and Delete Module option is now a header button in the info page
- Change: Skins in ACP skin list are now listed in alphabetical order
- Change: Module and Skin Info pages updated with new layout
- Change: Section header in Global Config no longer shows if it is the only one on the page
- Change: Modules missing an icon will now show a default icon (default_module_icon.png)
- Change: Skins missing an icon will now show a default icon (default_skin_icon.png)
- Change: Old form session and play key cleanup moved to Hourly Maintenance event
- Change: Removed DataStore active cache functionality - moved to future, separate module
- Change: bundled TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor updated to version 4.4.1
- Change: Lightbox will now "wrap" to the beginning when at the end of a group of images
- Change: [code] blocks are now checked for balanced opening and closing tags
- Change: Uploaded Custom Images now default to being active
- Bug Fix: {jrCore_image} may not use correct URL for skin or ACP enable image override
- Bug Fix: Approving/Deleting pending item may not remove associated pending jrAction entry
- Bug Fix: jrCore_hilight_string could highlight matching HTML substrings
- Bug Fix: Some SQL Queries generated by jrCore_list could cause an SQL error
- Bug Fix: It was possible to change a module URL to an existing module URL
- Bug Fix: Multiple uploads of very small files very quickly could result in wrong upload count
- Bug Fix: Items created with text that has a lot of emoji characters could cause SQL error
Version 5.4.0b4:
- Change: DataStore optimizations for privacy checking and when searching profile_ids
- Change: Approving, Deleting or Rejecting a pending item now refreshes to active pending list
- Bug Fix: SQL Error with multiple DataStore order_by conditions which include reserved keys
- Bug Fix: Slow Query logging may not always include query time for COUNT queries
- Bug Fix: Multiple pending item rejections could result in "invalid pending_id" error
Version 5.4.0b3:
- Change: jrCore_json_response() now triggers "process_exit" event
- Change: IP Address lookup changed to use new Whois tool from User module 1.8.7+
- Change: Moved process_exit functionality to new function and out of router.php
- Change: {jrCore_upload_button} now generates better unique upload tokens
- Bug Fix: jrCore_load_url() cURL options error if running PHP version older than 5.5.0
Version 5.4.0b2:
- New: DataStore Active Cache functionality to pre-run expensive DS queries on large systems
- New: "Enable Active Cache" global config setting to enable new DataStore Active Cache
- New: The jrCore_date_birthday_format variable modifier now accepts a date format
- Bug Fix: Multiple uploads using jrCore_upload_button may not always work correctly
Version 5.4.0b1:
- New: Anchor button added in the HTML Editor
- New: Datastore event triggers "db_increment_key" and "db_decrement_key" added
- New: Ability to set Queue Worker Priority in jrCore_register_queue_worker()
- New: {jrCore_icon} accepts a "color" parameter in RRGGBB format for colorized sprite icons
- Change: default "generator" meta tag that showed Jamroom version and skins has been removed
- Change: Updated bundled PEAR Tar library to version 1.4.2
- Change: "no media found for player" error removed from output if no media found
- Change: Module icons no longer shown in module form and tool headers by default
- Bug Fix: Profile owners of Shared profiles may not be able to stream their own media
- Bug Fix: 404 Not Found page could send out incorrect Content-Length header
- Bug Fix: Symbolic links not being preserved correctly when creating a TAR Archive
- Bug Fix: Queue Workers named the same from different modules may not work correctly
- Bug Fix: Multiple approval of pending items system fails if only one item is selected
- Bug Fix: Modules with the same module_name may not show correctly in ACP
- Bug Fix: jrCore_load_url() POST params that start with @ being treated as file uploads
Version 5.3.6:
- New: Deleted time added to Recycle Bin listing
- New: Image Editing options now available for images when using the WYSIWYG editor
- Change: ALLOW_ALL_DOMAINS in Global Config Allowed Domains no longer requires referrer
- Change: bundled TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor updated to version 4.3.12
- Change: remove formatting button added to the editor
- Bug Fix: Some items may return old cached version of the item after an item update
- Bug Fix: Free memory in dashboard is incorrect when running on Ubuntu 16.04
- Bug Fix: jrCore_db_get_items_missing_key() could return _item_id 0
- Bug Fix: emoji characters in an email subject showing emoji replacement code
- Bug Fix: Possible SQL error when passing invalid id's to jrCore_db_get_multiple_items()
- Bug Fix: Cancel URL for profile forms could point to incorrect active profile
- Bug Fix: Embedded profile_id in some profile forms could be incorrect
- Bug Fix: Uploaded files not cleared when upload form page is refreshed
- Bug Fix: Removed z-index from lightbox.css .lb-nav - causing issues with fixed headers and menus
Version 5.3.5:
- New: "db_verify_table" event fired when creating/updating a DB table
- Change: Expired cache cleanup moved to hourly maintenance for better performance on large systems
- Change: Better support in the WYSIWYG editor for pasting HTML and having it work correctly
- Bug Fix: emoji check function was triggering warnings to error_log from util.php
- Bug Fix: Possible PHP warnings with developer mode enabled for preg_match_all() in util.php
- Bug Fix: Modifying form_submit.tpl and moving the spinner image was breaking the form submit
- Bug Fix: Some custom form fields with values over 512 bytes may not show all contents
- Bug Fix: Style changes from the search tab in the style editor could change wrong CSS elements
- Bug Fix: Domain validation failing on some sub domains (i.e. sub.domain.co.uk)
- Bug Fix: Changing label name in User Menu Entry was not working correctly
- Bug Fix: "notice" form type could be set to "required" in Form Designer causing an error
Version 5.3.4:
- New: "email_prepare" event trigger that is fired before each batch of queued emails is sent
- New: Sleeping queue entries in Queue Viewer now show how much longer they are sleeping for
- New: Enhanced search in "Skin Style" now searches for Selectors, Rules and Values
- New: "array" checktype plugin to test for a value being an array
- Change: Browser spellchecker activated by default in editor
- Change: bundled TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor updated to version 4.3.8
- Change: DataStore optimizations to improve query time for very large result sets
- Bug Fix: Result ordering from a module index search could duplicate results across pages
- Bug Fix: Item Display Order may not order correctly when used in a Seamless list
- Bug Fix: Bad caching of timezone data was making some event timestamps incorrect
- Bug Fix: Breaks being added inside tables when created in the WYSIWYG editor
- Bug Fix: Emptying recycle bin may not remove all attached media files
- Bug Fix: Editor form fields were not being tested for banned words correctly
Version 5.3.3:
- New: Added tabindex plugin to TinyMCE so pressing tab will now activate the editor
- New: "email_sent" event trigger that is fired after a batch of queued emails is sent
- Change: Pending items now show their title (if available) and not their link
- Change: Pending items now link to their update form and not the detail page
- Bug Fix: Admin created items missing "pending" flag which could prevent some listings
- Bug Fix: Quota check for user menu items not checking user "home profile" values
- Bug Fix: Very wide images uploaded to the IMAGES tab cause the content to be hidden
- Bug Fix: menu_onclick value was displaying invalid html when used
- Bug Fix: Pending item view tabs were showing all pending items, not just the selected one
- Bug Fix: URL error in the pending user search form fixed
- Bug Fix: Emoji in a Profile Name not showing correctly in Page Title used on profile pages
- Bug Fix: Emoji characters in DS data not being written to CSV export file correctly
- Bug Fix: Emoji characters in cached items may not insert correctly
- Bug Fix: CSV DataStore file export generation taking longer than 30 seconds may fail
- Bug Fix: Timestamps may not adjust correctly for Daylight Saving Time
- Bug Fix: Cancel button in Form Designer not taking you back to actual form
- Bug Fix: Profile and User images for "shared" profiles may not show to the profile owner
Version 5.3.2:
- Change: HTTP request method added to fdebug() logging
- Bug Fix: Quota limit not being properly checked if enabled in jrCore_db_create_item()
Version 5.3.1:
- New: unicode database functions to provide support for emoji characters in text fields
- Bug Fix: Quota Config not redirecting back to correct tab when an error is encountered
Version 5.3.0:
- Change: Europe/Minsk changed to Europe/Istanbul for UTC +2 in timezone selection
- Bug Fix: modifying admin_menu.css in Style Editor could cause the ACP menu to disappear
- Bug Fix: jrCore_clean_html() stripping initial script tag if multiple script tags found
- Bug Fix: Possible SQL error when updating global config
- Bug Fix: "Incorrect String Value" SQL error when inserting text that contains emoji
- Bug Fix: Deleting a pending datastore item was not removing it from the pending table
Version 5.3.0b10:
- Bug Fix: Saving Global Config for non-active skin not saving changes correctly
- Bug Fix: Some uploaded files with single quotes in the file name may fail
- Bug Fix: module override templates for disabled modules in active skin still showing
- Bug Fix: Searches in page search containing a forward slash resulting in 404 not found
- Bug Fix: Tinymce strips out script tags even if allowed in Quota Config
Version 5.3.0b9:
- New: "dashboard_tabs" Core event to allow modules to add their own tab to the Dashboard
- New: "Repair Module" integrity check option for modules to provide additional DB checks
- Change: "Pending Users" and "Pending Items" consolidated in new "Pending" tab in dashboard
- Change: bundled TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor updated to version 4.3.2
- Change: "Clear Cache" option removed from Integrity Check
- Change: "Tours" tab will now always show as the last tab in ACP tab bar
- Bug Fix: "Allow All HTML" setting may show different HTML to visitor versus logged in
- Bug Fix: DataStore queries with multiple group_by parameters not working correctly on MySQL 5.7
- Bug Fix: Some errors when saving Global Config may not refresh back to right section
- Bug Fix: Some date stamps could be off by the offset as set in the Date and Time settings
- Bug Fix: Item List Widget "does not contain" search option being saved as "contains"
- Bug Fix: Item List Widget inserting multiple % signs for like value in Template Code
- Bug Fix: Uploaded files with ( or ) in the file name returning with invalid file extension
Version 5.3.0b8:
- New: You can now use % on key names in OR conditional searches using jrCore_list
- Change: improved schema update handling for module database tables
- Bug Fix: Unable to use style or class on "hr" HTML tag if allowed in HTML tags
- Bug Fix: select_and_text select not showing all items if profile has more than 250 items
- Bug Fix: "align" attribute being stripped from some Allowed HTML elements
- Bug Fix: Possible "invalid location redirect" error when using Custom Domains module
- Bug Fix: Gradient background on HD sprite icons may not show correctly
- Bug Fix: Convert @ Tags may not work correctly in text entered in the Editor
Version 5.3.0b7:
- New: "View Changes" tab in Skin Style editor to see all customized CSS on one page
- New: "hourly_maintenance" event for listeners that need hourly notification
- Change: Form Notices now only show on the form they were submitted from
- Change: Custom templates in the "Templates" ACP tab can now be larger than 64kb
- Bug Fix: Date and Time stamps may not be adjusting to timezone offset
- Bug Fix: Custom image replacements not working correctly for modules in "Images" tab
Version 5.3.0b6:
- New: "Reset This View" button in Form Designer to reset the selected view to the default
- Change: tools/diff binary removed - no longer being used in Template Compare
- Change: templates/page_divider.tpl updated to make it easier to style with CSS
- Bug Fix: WYSIWYG plugins registered by modules not showing when editor used in template
Version 5.3.0b5:
- New: "Reset Skin Style" button in style editor to reset all custom CSS for a skin
- Bug Fix: Some DataStore queries with order_by on key not being searched could "hang"
Version 5.3.0b4:
- New: "simplepagebreak" parameter for jrCore_list to enable Optimized Pager on individual lists
- New: "slow_query_time" parameter for jrCore_list to log slow queries for individual lists
- Change: "_item_id" included if not specified in return_keys parameter to jrCore_db_search_items()
- Change: Module specific Tools now show first in the "Tools" view for a module
- Bug Fix: "hr" button not showing in WYSIWYG editor even if hr HTML tag is added to Allowed Tags
- Bug Fix: order_by on list where not all items in DS have the order_by key may not order correctly
- Bug Fix: Profile Privacy set to be Visible in Search not working correctly on Profile lists
Version 5.3.0b3:
- Change: Page Jumper now uses skin select form element style
- Bug Fix: Queue names that were the same but for different modules were being grouped together
- Bug Fix: Page Jumper not showing in Data Browser if "Optimized Pager" checked in some cases
- Bug Fix: "script" tag not being allowed even if configured correctly in Allowed Tags
Version 5.3.0b2:
- Bug Fix: Correct template may not be selected in Template Compare tool when changing templates
- Bug Fix: "Change Update Field" showing on Create Form Designer even if not linked to update form
- Bug Fix: Integrity Check could "hang" on System Core
Version 5.3.0b1:
- New: "Recycle Bin" Dashboard tool for browsing and restoring deleted items in the Recycle Bin
- New: "Enable Recycle Bin" Global Config to enable the system-wide Recycle Bin
- New: "Delete After" Global Config setting to set Recycle Bin retention length
- New: "Show Bots" button in User Online Dashboard section to show bots accessing site
- New: CSS icon sprites updated to support High Resolution / Retina displays
- New: Updated Queue Viewer with ability to view and manage individual queues and workers
- New: "template_list" event triggered with parameters when {jrCore_list} is called in a template
- New: Improved HTML formatting and detection to prevent malformed HTML from editor posts
- New: "date_birthday" form field for use in the Form Designer to get dates in YYYYMMDD format
- New: "date_birthday" CheckType added to validate values entered in date_birthday fields
- Change: Template Editor now edits file in full width ACP (admin menu does not show)
- Change: "Activity Logs" and "Queue Viewer" tools moved to Dashboard
- Change: bundled Smarty upgraded to version 3.1.27
- Change: bundled TinyMCE WYSIWYG Editor updated to version 4.2.7
- Change: bundled HTML Purifier updated to version 4.7.0
- Change: "temp value" functions now enforce uniqueness on module and key
- Change: Disabled modules now appear at the bottom of the category list in the ACP
- Change: Integrity Check now validates all module DB Schemas first
- Change: jrCore_db_get_all_key_values() no longer accepts $limit as 3rd parameter
- Change: Form Designer now validates the default value for Select fields is a valid option
- Bug Fix: New Item could be added to Pending even if user is admin
- Bug Fix: Multiple jrCore_format_string modifier calls on same template variable could corrupt output
- Bug Fix: Replacing custom images on "images" tab for modules and skins not working correctly
- Bug Fix: duplicate file keys showing in Item List widget for search and order by
- Bug Fix: "Images" tab could show in ACP for modules even if no images were present
- Bug Fix: Time in DateTime form fields could be off by 1 hour for some timezones when modified
- Bug Fix: jrCore_db_get_all_key_values() not working correctly with multi-index DS keys
- Bug Fix: Profile names only a single character long forwarded to the index page
Version 5.2.41:
- Bug Fix: DataStore performance regression on large systems introduced in version 5.2.40
Version 5.2.40:
- New: "admin_tabs" and "skin_tabs" event triggers fired when Tabs are created for modules and skins
- Change: numerical_asc and numerical_desc order by optimizations
- Bug Fix: "order_by" numerical_asc or numerical_desc without search not returning correct result
- Bug Fix: "next page" and page jumper issues when using Optimized Pager is enabled
- Bug Fix: CSS Minifier not handling all * selectors correctly
- Bug Fix: Core module and settings cache not being saved correctly resulting in multiple DB queries
Version 5.2.39:
- New: Global Config "section" tabs to better organize a module's Global Config settings
- New: "Use Optimized Pager" Global Config setting to help larger system DataStore performance
- New: "Use Optimized Ordering" Global Config setting to help larger system DataStore performance
- New: Activity Log debug window now includes a close button in the header
- Change: jrCore_db_search_items() optimizations for !=, not_like and not_in search conditions
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.17
- Bug Fix: JSON checktype would see boolean and PHP array attributes as being valid JSON
- Bug Fix: jrCore_db_search_items() using pagination with no results running query twice
- Bug Fix: jrCore_load_url() may not properly encode URL query string on a GET request
Version 5.2.38:
- New: "Allow ALL HTML Tags" Quota setting to allow All HTML tags for a quota
- New: Font Size selector when using HTML Editor
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE editor to version 4.2.3
- Bug Fix: Pagination next page button could show even when there are no further results
- Bug Fix: Inactive modules shown as options in selection lists
- Bug Fix: Profile URLs could contain an underscore which could result in an error
Version 5.2.37:
- New: Support for new HTML 5 elements added to "Allowed HTML Tags" Core quota setting
- New: Total profile count added to the results of the jrCore_stats Smarty call
- Bug Fix: Form Tokens may not be unique with multiple logins in same browser
Version 5.2.36:
- New: Item List widget has been updated to show Smarty Template code of created lists
- New: template function to allow file uploads for items: {jrCore_upload_button}
- New: template function to display files attached to an item: {jrCore_get_uploaded_files}
- Change: Sections in [code] blocks are not limited by the quota's allowed_html
- Bug Fix: Adding a table via the editor caused too many extra linebreaks to be added
- Bug Fix: Adding a custom page menu item to the User Menu was not including the Page ID
- Bug Fix: valid domains with double dots not passing domain name validation, eg: uwe.ac.uk
Version 5.2.35:
- Change: Check if lightbox is already loaded before trying to load it again
- Bug Fix: "domain" checktype validation allowing domains without TLD
- Bug Fix: "domain" checktype validation failing on generic TLDs
- Bug Fix: jrCore_load_multiple_urls() was using port 80 for https connections
- Bug Fix: File type image may not show in file upload form field for non-standard files
- Bug Fix: Unrelated error messages appearing in activity log debug info if activity log is emptied
- Bug Fix: Possible "Query Error: value too long" error in Performance Check
Version 5.2.34:
- New: jrCore_list now works with the return_item_id_only jrCore_db_search_items parameter
- New: "Log 404 Not Found" Global Config option to log 404 errors to Activity Log
- Change: skin_template event can now over-ride the default skin template.
- Change: jrCore_url_string() now allows _ character through without conversion to -
- Bug Fix: "Pending" notice may show at all times to non-admin users
- Bug Fix: Graph buttons only show on dashboard if Graph module is active
Version 5.2.33:
- New: Template Compare tool updated to ignore white space changes
- Change: Invalid "order_by" message in Activity Log only shows in Developer Mode
- Bug Fix: Fixed a regression from 5.3.32 where "allowed_html" validation was failing
Version 5.2.32:
- New: mergely added to the modify button to compare differences
- New: "live_search" field type added for use in Form Designer
- New: jrCore_db_search_items() logs a MAJ Activity Log on invalid order_by condition
- Bug Fix: "printable" checktype form field validation could allow HTML
- Bug Fix: list_pager not showing the current active page in the select list.
- Bug Fix: Item List widget not showing _item_id available as a Search option
Version 5.2.31:
- New: Notice shows on create form to indicate item will be pending if pending enabled
- Change: Customizing a CSS rule only overrides the rule changed, not the entire class or id
- Bug Fix: Timeline entries for pending items showing before item approval
- Bug Fix: Template Editor syntax check not working correctly if site in maintenance mode
Version 5.2.30:
- New: jrCore_db_get_unique_keys() DataStore function
- New: jrCore_page_custom() now supports "help" as 4th function parameter
- New: "allow_all_formatters" flag for jrCore_format_string template variable modifier
- New: CSV Export button to export DataStore in CSV format in Data Browser
- Bug Fix: saving multiple files from forms may not put in proper order in DS
- Bug Fix: items created with attached media item may have pending flag reset
- Bug Fix: uploaded images to the IMAGES tab don't show in the custom column.
Version 5.2.29:
- New: fdebug option for jrCore_db_search_items now includes original pre-trigger parameters
- New: HTML is allowed in the Options text for "notice" custom form fields
- New: Language ID for custom form fields now shows in Help drop down in form designer
- Change: "module" or "option" when passed as a URL parameter will be removed from $_post
- Change: error_log and debug_log files over 3 days old are removed during daily maintenance
- Change: "Skin Menu Editor" changed to "User Menu Editor" to better describe what it does
- Bug Fix: Deleting skin could delete other skins with same skin name as prefix
Version 5.2.28:
- New: "notice" field type has been added to Form Designer for creating for notices
- New: TinyMCE editor now includes Font Family selector + preview buttons
- Change: Updated bundled Lightbox to version 2.7.1
- Change: Updated bundled jQuery to version 1.11.2
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE editor to version 4.1.9
- Bug Fix: Additional Images uploaded to modules IMAGE tab not displaying correctly.
- Bug Fix: Existing image in "file" form field type may show cached version on update
- Bug Fix: Better detection of AJAX requests in jrCore_is_ajax_request()
- Bug Fix: Added hardcoded language strings in Set Item Order to language file
- Bug Fix: Default date being added when no date is entered
Version 5.2.27:
- New: {jrCore_get_media_url} function to get URL to system media directory
- New: Support for FULLTEXT indexes added to table support for MyISAM table types
- New: Core support added for new Profile privacy option (Followers Only + search)
- Bug Fix: "empty" skin templates could result in "Unable to write to template cache" error
- Bug Fix: Multiple messages display when module is de-activated
- Bug Fix: Some https: URLs not being made clickable even if Quota option enabled
- Bug Fix: Some @ tags for profile links were not being made clickable
- Change: Unused jquery.lightbox.min.js and jrCore/img/lightbox-*.gif images removed
- Change: Adjustments in performance check to better account for multiple CPU servers
Version 5.2.26:
- New: "size" parameter accepted for jrCore_item_[create|delete|update]_button template function
- New: "parsed_template" event fired with the content of a parsed template
- New: create_action, update_action and delete_action parameter support for jrCore_item_index_buttons
- Bug Fix: When uploading multiple files at once some files may not be saved properly
Version 5.2.25:
- New: 2 new DS functions: jrCore_db_item_key_exists() and jrCore_db_get_all_key_values()
- New: Active Media System Global Config for (coming soon) offsite media storage
- Change: module cannot be deactivated if other active modules "require" the module
- Change: list_pager.tpl updated to show page jumper even if less than 3 pages
- Change: New Form Designer fields checked against existing DS Keys to ensure they are unique
- Bug Fix: jrCore_db_search_items() group_by not working if key name contains "_item_id"
- Bug Fix: jrCore_db_search_items() "return_count" mixed with "group_by" not working right
- Bug Fix: Audio bit rate not being detected properly on some FLAC files
- Bug Fix: Custom images in Skin Images tab showing "module" instead of "skin" in embed code
- Bug Fix: Sprite icons could be corrupted if corrupt PNG icon image was included
Version 5.2.24:
- Bug Fix: Version 5.2.23 Schema error that could prevent the system from installing
- Bug Fix: Compare Templates not working correctly on Cloned Skins
Version 5.2.23:
- New: title tag now allowed on html code coming in from the editor
- New: PUT and DELETE support as methods in jrCore_load_url()
- Change: Template Compare tool drop down now contains module files of the same name
- Change: Triggered Events could sometimes be run for disabled modules
- Bug Fix: "Reset" button showing in Style editor on selectors that were not changed
- Bug Fix: Extra line break in list created in the editors
- Bug Fix: ACP search from the skins tab could return no result found
- Bug Fix: Language appearing as the default tab for some modules even though Quota Config exists
- Bug Fix: Play Counter may not count play on newer versions of Firefox
- Bug Fix: "Invalid Play URL" error could come up when playing audio on some versions of Opera
Version 5.2.22:
- New: "View Keys" button in User/Profile browser to view raw DataStore key/values
- New: Multiple file attachments will now show all attachments in "update" forms
- New: Queue worker can return "EXIT" to force exit of worker even if queues left
- Change: Performance Check optimized to be a little more consistent across runs
- Change: Custom module URL can now contain a dash (-)
- Change: Template Compare tool drop down select list now ordered by version number
- Bug Fix: Email Throttling not working properly if no requests kick off exit listener
- Bug Fix: Embed code with "flashvars" param not embedding even with object,embed,param allowed
- Bug Fix: 404 Not Found missing page title
Version 5.2.21:
- New: "Optimize Tables" option added to Integrity Check tool
- New: Share your Performance Test results tool to submit your results to the Network
- Change: Additional fixes for "extra" spacing showing in TinyMCE editor output
- Change: HTML "alt" tag change to "title" tag on index, list, and item detail buttons
- Change: Removed Content-Encoding header from response
- Change: "Font Size" updated to support all pixel sizes from 8px to 96px
- Bug Fix: Dashboard total RAM size could be incorrect when running on Mac OS X (10.9+)
- Bug Fix: Some items not being deleted properly when a skin is deleted
- Bug Fix: "line-height" had incorrect pixel values in Style Editor
Version 5.2.20:
- New: Template Compare tool updated with ability to merge template changes line by line
- Change: Additional spacing between paragraphs in TinyMCE editor output removed
- Bug Fix: Saving changes in "Untagged" Style editor section refreshing to wrong tab
- Bug Fix: "Reset" button could show on style elements that had not been modified
- Bug Fix: Selector Search not working properly in tabs outside of "Color and Font"
- Bug Fix: Form Fields with the form_designer flag set to FALSE not always ordering correctly
Version 5.2.19:
- Bug Fix: Possible CRI SQL error on install could keep system from installing
- Change: Updates to Performance Check tool to add performance history
Version 5.2.18
- New: "Performance Check" tool avialable in System Check screen to test server performance
- Change: $_data object in html_purifier event listener is no longer "finalized"
- Change: jrCore_copy_dir_recursive() updated to support better variable replacement
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect library to version 2.8.11
- Change: jrCore_is_tablet_device() now returns TRUE if device is a tablet OR mobile device
- Change: Updated bundled jPlayer to version 2.9.2: https://github.com/happyworm/jPlayer/releases
- Bug Fix: Deleting module or skin from info screen may not remove all release directories
- Bug Fix: Allowed Domains not properly stripping www. before domain check
Version 5.2.17:
- New: Style Editor updated with new tabs and search features
- New: {jrCore_include} now accepts a "skin" parameter for loading template from alternate skin
- Change: {jrCore_media_player} updated to not force Firefox to the flash first solution for audio
- Change: Updated bundled jPlayer to version 2.9.1: https://github.com/happyworm/jPlayer/releases
- Bug Fix: jrCore_list with order_by _created not always working correctly
- Bug Fix: jrCore_list pager param set to "false" causing pager to show.
- Bug Fix: User's active profile_id may not be set correctly on "update" form view
Version 5.2.16:
- New: modules can include their own sprite icons in img/icons_(black|white)
- Change: ordering by _created no longer maps to ordering by _item_id
- Change: Form Designer field ordering updated to be more consistent
- Bug Fix: Form Designer could get "stuck" turned on for a specific form
- Bug Fix: Cache key used in {jrCore_list} could be incorrect based on listeners
Version 5.2.15:
- New: "disable_override" parameter for {jrCore_include} disables skin template override
- New: added new core icons 'male' and 'globe'
- Change: Updated bundled jPlayer to version 2.8.1
- Change: added a default page title for modules index page
- Bug Fix: object/embed/param tags not working correctly even if allowed in Core Tags
Version 5.2.14:
- Change: Modal status updates should now be more stable on resource limited servers
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE editor to version 4.1.6
- Bug Fix: Multiple editor fields on a single form was not working
- Bug Fix: Custom image replacement for skins in the "image" tab may not save correctly
Version 5.2.13:
- New: Eight new Event Triggers built in to the Core queue system (see Core Info in developer mode)
- New: Search location in ACP has been udpated, and now also searches module and skin names
- Change: Updates and Fixes to core Queue System to make it faster and more efficient
- Change: Server Check no longer shows checks for inactive modules
- Change: Improvements to table support in the TinyMCE editor - background color and colspan now work
- Bug Fix: "X" and "!" buttons in Activity Log were not showing correctly after 5.2.12 update
- Bug Fix: "All Events" registered event listener may not fire in some instances
- Bug Fix: Skin Info tab may not update to show latest skin Meta information
- Bug Fix: Form Designer help for Select and Text was incorrect and has been removed
- Bug Fix: Template Editor when running on SSL could return an OpenSSL error
Version 5.2.12
- Change: jrCore_media_player type parameter is now optional - will use skin defined players by default
- Bug Fix: Checktype plugins outside the Core may not load correctly in rare instances
- Bug Fix: Profile and Item URLs with non ASCII characters and double quotes may not encode correctly
- Bug Fix: Better detection of base site URL when doing a new Jamroom install
Version 5.2.11:
- New: Override support for module CSS and JS files (works the same as templates)
- New: Ability to Pause and Resume worker queues from Queue Viewer tool
- Change: Browser location changes now work with User Accounts "Force SSL" global config setting
- Change: Activing a new or previously deactivated module now resets the User Language caches
- Bug Fix: Possible SQL error for daily maintenance when running in Developer Mode
- Bug Fix: "Radio" custom form field may return "Invalid Checktype" error when submitted
- Bug Fix: jrCore_download_file() appending '1' to end of downloaded content
- Bug Fix: Number of queue entries returned for active queues could be incorrect on a busy system
Version 5.2.10:
- New: Support added for UNIQUE option on {jrCore_list} group_by parameter
- New: New "tpl_404" event trigger fired when a template is not found
- Change: Updated bundled jPlayer to version 2.7.0
- Change: Updated bundled Mobile Detect to version 2.8.3
- Change: Updated bundled TinyMCE to version 4.1.5
- Bug Fix: Custom form fields not having custom lang strings copied to other languages
- Bug Fix: Timeline entries stripped of HTML may cause icons to not show
- Bug Fix: Chained Select fields might be split up on form display
- Bug Fix: User needed Quota Permissions for an item for it to be displayed
- Bug Fix: "Reset" button for CSS class/id in Style Editor was overlapping element help button
- Bug Fix: checktype 'file_name' was not working correctly
- Bug Fix: templates included via a template {capture} that contain a {jrCore_list} call may not work properly
Version 5.2.9:
- New: checktype 'file_name' to allow for strings that also contain a . (dot)
- Change: Tinymce upgraded to version 4.1.3
- Change: Quota item count restriction no longer enforced when viewed by profile owner (allows for delete)
- Bug Fix: Item updates by non-creating module when Item Approval set to "modify" causing item to go pending
- Bug Fix: magic_quotes_gpc PHP setting is now properly handled for $_COOKIE values
- Bug Fix: Custom form fields not showing if multiple quota ids are selected in form designer
Version 5.2.8:
- New: added profile_id option to {jrCore_get_count} to get counts for a specific profile
- New: Updated installer so a marketplace account can be created at install time
- Change: Invalid event trigger data array now logged only if running in Developer Mode
- Bug Fix: bug fixes and improvements in Form Designer ordering of custom fields
- Bug Fix: User Group restrictions for Form Designer fields may not work properly
Version 5.2.7:
- Bug Fix: regression bug in 5.2.6 where the active skin config may not be loaded properly
Version 5.2.6:
- New: "create_queue_entry" event trigger - fired when a new queue entry is created
- New: jrCore_load_url() and jrCore_download_file() updated to allow a custom User Agent string
- New: jrCore_get_support_dir() function for module storage that is not reset
- Change: unmodified form designer fields will use field definition from module
- Bug Fix: Global Config options for non-active skin may not be saved correctly
Version 5.2.5:
- Change: bundled Smarty upgraded to version 3.1.19
- Change: bundled Mobile Detect upgraded to version 2.8.2
- Change: contrib/pear/XML directory removed (was not used)
- Bug Fix: jrCore_json_response() not sending custom headers beyond Content-Type
- Bug Fix: jrCore_strip_html not stripping text values inside tags
- Bug Fix: Dashboard load now shows correctly on servers using CloudLinux Virtual CPUs
Version 5.2.4:
- Change: {jrCore_get_count} now returns 0 if module is not installed / inactive
- Bug Fix: CSS colors not working correctly in Activity Logs -> Debug Log
- Bug Fix: Date Picker drop down should position correctly in elements with position: absolute
- Bug Fix: HTML inside BBCode tags in forum posts could be stripped on submit
Version 5.2.3:
- New: Link editor in TinyMCE allows a "Lightbox Group" to enable lightbox for anchors around images
- New: image fields created in Form Designer now show small delete button on mouse over in update
- Bug Fix: centering a table in the editor was not working (align attribute was being stripped)
Version 5.2.2:
- New: {jrCore_pending_notice} template function for use with custom item detail templates
- Change: registered CSS URLs by modules moved to header from footer to speed rendering
- Change: Sprite icons moved to spans from divs for HTML 5 validation
- Bug Fix: Approve/Reject button for a pending item on detail page may result in invalid item_id
- Bug Fix: jrCore_json_response() not setting proper application/json response header
Version 5.2.1:
- New: better random results for datastores with more than 25,000 entries when using a group_by
- New: Lightbox view of image if an image is uploaded to a "file" field
- New: "delete" option for file type form fields to allow deleting just the attached file
- Bug Fix: "previous" icon_white icon was named incorrectly and would show as a down arrow
Version 5.2.0:
- New: Customizable Dashboard allowing custom rows, columns and individual panel functions
- New: optgroup support for module select fields when options are a multidimensional array
- New: jrCore_number_format() and jrCore_money_format() functions
- New: Full Screen button added to editor menu
- Change: old version of jQuery lightbox no longer loaded by default (jquery.lightbox.min.js)
- Change: most newlines and additional comments now stripped from cached CSS when not in Developer Mode
- Bug Fix: DS search param using custom sub query causes CRI SQL error when operator is not_in or not_like
- Bug Fix: Modules with categories longer than 2 words showing up in "tools"
Version 5.1.46:
- New: TinyMCE editor now uses smilies from the jrSmiley module
Version 5.1.45:
- New: ALLOW_ALL_DOMAINS is checked for downloading (in addition to streaming)
- New: "autocorrect" and "autocapitalize" added as allowed attributes for text input form field
- Change: download_file and stream_file views now use jrCore_db_search_items() to get data
- Change: Updated bundled jQuery to version 1.11.1
- Change: Improved Syntax Highlighting when using CodeMirror
Version 5.1.44:
- Change: Skin validation is now run when changing active skins (fix for skin uploaded via FTP)
- Bug Fix: select_multiple fields saving "Array" instead of selected value(s)
Version 5.1.43:
- New: Skin Menu entries can now have the same Linked URL as long as the category is different
- Change: Updated download function should allow large downloads to start faster and use less memory
- Change: Updated bundled ZIP Classes to version 1.62
- Bug Fix: Skin Menu Editor returns a CRI error when trying to create a new entry with an existing URL
Version 5.1.42:
- Change: core shutdown function improvements to work better on CGI/FastCGI and PHP-FPM systems
- Change: Style Editor updated with selector search and opacity support
- Bug Fix: Style editor not showing proper Font Family if more than one defined for a CSS selector
- Bug Fix: Min/Max form field config options in Form Designer may not save if emptied
Version 5.1.41:
- New: text, password, textarea, select and select_multiple form fields now accept "class" parameter
- New: Tab support for skin global config to separate config into "sections" (based on field section)
- Change: More DataStore optimizations for larger datasets
- Bug Fix: module config.php with only hidden form fields showing blank page on Global Config
- Bug Fix: OptionList form fields may fail form validation in some situations
Version 5.1.40:
- New: {jrCore_powered_by} Smarty template function
- Change: Some additional DataStore optimizations for larger data sizes (over 25,000 DS entries)
Version 5.1.39:
- Bug Fix: Custom OptionList form fields may return an empty jrCore_checktype error on submission
Version 5.1.38:
- New: db_query_init and db_query_exit event triggers
- Change: System Check will try to set correct permissions on bundled diff binary if possible
- Change: Small delay added to queue pickup time to ensure queue worker loads on a new process
- Bug Fix: Live Search value may not get updated properly when selecting drop down value
Version 5.1.37:
- New: "stream_url_error" Event fired when the media player is unable to load a media URL
- New: custom form field form designer options function support for use in form designer
- Change: ChainedSelect and ChainedSelectAndText custom forms moved to Chained Select module
- Bug Fix: Modify Item List Button "no group restrictions" group setting not saving in some instances
Version 5.1.36:
- New: "return_count" parameter support added to {jrCore_list} template function
- Bug Fix: ChainedSelect and ChainedSelectAndText custom forms now being handled correctly
- Bug Fix: Some debug code was inadvertantly left in 2 library scripts
Version 5.1.35:
- Change: diff binary now included in tools to make setup easier
- Change: Update bundled jPlayer to version 2.6.0
- Bug Fix: Manual entry of value in Live Search field that is not matched not being saved
- Bug Fix: DS entries longer than 768 chars not being fully searched when using like/not_like
Version 5.1.34:
- Bug Fix: Fixed some select elements that were missing the closing select HTML tag
- Bug Fix: if Followers module is disabled, private profiles may not be able to access their own items
Version 5.1.33:
- New: "Queue Viewer" tool for viewing active worker queue information
- New: "skip_play_keys" registered module feature for excluded play key replacement on specific views
- New: jrCore_delete_multiple_cache_entries() function
- New: id, onclick, onmousever and onmouseout parameter support added to {jrCore_image}
- Change: including a display_order DS key in the create array will now override the default DS key
- Change: bundled Smarty upgraded to version 3.1.17
- Change: bundled Mobile Detect upgraded to version 2.7.9
- Bug Fix: Template Compare not working properly for module templates
Version 5.1.32:
- Bug Fix: More DataStore optimizations and corner cases resolved
- Bug Fix: Select Multiple showing "default" value as selected after save even if unselected
Version 5.1.31:
- Change: page jumper updated to be faster and generate less HTML when page count gets really large
- Bug Fix: tags in [code] blocks being stripped from input if HTML tags in code block were not in Allowed HTML
- Bug Fix: jrCore_list calls with a group_by and a != or not_in or not_like search operator bypassing group_by
Version 5.1.30:
- New: HTML header tag (h1 -> h6) support added to "Allowed HTML" in HTML Purifier
- New: lightbox2 support added and core updated to use it in place of the jQuery lightbox plugin
- New: jrCore_db_search_items updated so != and not_in now include DS items missing the search key
- New: "display_order" event fired with the item array during the display_order Magic View
- New: "db_delete_keys" event for jrCore_db_delete_item_key() and jrCore_db_delete_multiple_item_keys()
Version 5.1.29:
- New: fdebug_only_ip(), fdebug_ignore_images() and fdebug_ignore_ajax() developer functions
- Change: jrCore_get_counts template function now uses jrCore_db_search_items with triggers
- Bug Fix: "random" ordering not working with _created, _updated, _item_id as key
Version 5.1.28:
- New: "All Users" and "Visitor" groups added to Form Designer
- Bug Fix: HTML validator converting void tags to XHTML style instead of HTML5 style
Version 5.1.27
- Bug Fix: Sample length audio file was not being streamed if FoxyCart module was not enabled
- Bug Fix: jrCore_list calls without order_by may result in no list being returned
Version 5.1.26:
- Bug Fix: Javascript src cache file was being rebuilt more frequently than it should have been
- Bug Fix: javascript_footer_function element being overwritten if multiple modules register for same page
Version 5.1.25:
- Bug Fix: CSS will now display properly for media player loaded via AJAX
- Bug Fix: jrCore_db_search_items() search param for _item_id is working correctly now
- Bug Fix: single group_by parameter regression in 5.1.24
Version 5.1.24:
- New: "signed" Checktype plugin for validating signed (+/-) whole numbers
- New: jrCore_db_search_items group_by param now accepts comma separated list of multiple group by columns
- Change: bundled jQuery updated to version 1.11.0
- Change: bundled jQuery Simple Modal updated to version 1.4.4
- Change: removed -ExecCGI from default .htaccess file
- Bug Fix: Schema changes to mediumtext and longtext database column types were not being picked up
Version 5.1.23:
- New: "html_purifier" trigger fired during HTMLPurifier Config setup to allow modules to add to config
- Change: bundled HTMLPurifier updated to version 4.6.0
Version 5.1.22:
- New: Group selection in Form Designer allows for multiple group selections
- New: "live_search" form field can accept an array for value defining key => value
- Change: "file" form field update detail style modified to better fit the form
- Bug Fix: "search" was being saved as the live search value if no value is entered
- Bug Fix: Developer Mode from Developer Tools module was not causing CSS an JS to be rebuilt one each access
Version 5.1.21:
- Change: jrCore_copy_dir_recursive() now uses str_replace instead of preg_replace
Version 5.1.20:
- New: "columns" layout field parameter for optionlist form field with variable column support
- Bug Fix: Select and Text field pre-selected option not working on multi-bytes strings
Version 5.1.19:
- Bug Fix: hitting enter caused the form to submit in locations with one text field only.
Version 5.1.18:
- Change: Cache keys now include JR directory and active skin for better separation
- Change: Config options defined in config/config.php no longer overwritten by DB settings
- Bug Fix: Completely emptying an editor field may revert to previously stored content
Version 5.1.17:
- New: form_designer_prefix feature support to allow Form Designer to work with modules that do not have a DataStore
- Change: Template Compare button will not show if diff binary cannot be executed by web user
- Bug Fix: Images tab template example code was incorrect for admin uploaded images
- Bug Fix: extended HTML attributes were not working select_and_text or live_search form fields
- Bug Fix: Item count for profiles with number of items restricted could be cached and incorrect
Version 5.1.16:
- New: Template Compare functionality in template editor to compare and update custom templates to default templates
- Bug Fix: CSS image url not working for overridden images
Version 5.1.15:
- Change: module_priority can now be changed during a module upgrade
- Change: {jrCore_get_count} now uses a DS query to get counts, allowing for event listeners
- Bug Fix: pagination jumper was not showing if less than a single page of results were displayed
Version 5.1.14:
- Change: {jrCore_image} without a title will now use the value of the alt parameter if set
- Bug Fix: searching the data store browser for numeric values would return more than were actually matched
- Bug Fix: Custom module category was being changed back to the default on an Integrity Check
- Bug Fix: expand textarea button was showing on custom editor form fields created in the Form Designer
- Bug Fix: colons are now allowed in URLs turned in to clickable URLs via jrCore_url_string()
Version 5.1.13:
- New: {jrCore_icon} now accepts a "class" parameter for a custom sprite icon class
- Bug Fix: very long multibyte text items were not being stored correctly in the DataStore
Version 5.1.12:
- Change: "-Includes" removed from Options in default .htaccess file
- Bug Fix: slugs created for URLs could have all characters stripped except a single dash
- Bug Fix: jrCore_string_to_url() not working correctly if the URL contains a comma
Version 5.1.11:
- Change: Core License updated with proper module list of what is included in the Core
- Bug Fix: CSS background images were not working in installer (install.php)
Version 5.1.10:
- New: Skin list in ACP will now show skin "title" if set in Skin meta data
- New: Item Action Buttons config can select "no group" for group requirements
- Bug Fix: Item Action button config may not save Group selection resulting in white screen
Version 5.1.9
- New: added new event to item pending system 'approve_pending_item'
- New: Item Create button available to profile owners for Item Detail pages
- Change: small fix in the pending system to use different identifier for approve/reject/delete
- Change: increase analyze duration on meta data for media files
- Bug Fix: CSS values marked as !important now work properly in the CSS editor
- Bug Fix: CSS ID selectors can now be reset to default properly in the CSS editor
Version 5.1.8:
- Bug Fix: Disable Module option not showing if dependent module had been removed from system
- Bug Fix: ALLOW_ALL_DOMAINS in Allowed Domains might not disable key check and prevent streaming
Version 5.1.7:
- New: handling of module CSS to allow CSS images to be overridden by custom uploaded images
- New: Number of items per page selector in page footer section for ACP listings
- Change: Update bundled Mobile_Detect to version 2.7.6
- Bug Fix: check for Developer Mode and disable DB caching was not working properly
- Bug Fix: CSS files that were already minimized were not working correctly
Version 5.1.6:
- New: module and settings loader updated as some MySQL versions were not ordering correctly
- New: download/stream views now send proper 404 headers when media item is not found
- New: jrCore_db_get_item_by_key() now accepts skip_trigger and skip_caching parameters like jrCore_db_get_item()
- Change: Admin Users updating an item will skip the pending check if pending items are enforced by the quota
- Bug Fix: ALLOW_ALL_DOMAINS value for Allowed Domains global config was not working properly
- Bug Fix: some media titles were not working correctly in jrCore_media_player calls
Version 5.1.5:
- New: "Item Detail Buttons" feature that allows master admins to control item buttons for modules
- Change: "sublabel" text field for new designer form fields now defaults to being empty
- Change: Registered module Text Formatters are now enabled by default in quotas on module install
- Change: default value for Cache Seconds is now 300 instead of 30
- Bug Fix: "Clickable URLs" text formatter could break BBCode [url] tags depending on module load order
- Bug Fix: Designer form fields in forms with module added fields may not order correctly
- Bug Fix: Rare "Duplicate Key" SQL error when creating a new profile item has been fixed
Version 5.1.4:
- New: Custom Skin image uploads now show template embed code to use in templates
- Bug Fix: Javascript page elements may not be set on profile.php form views
- Bug Fix: repair.php.html script was bombing with error if marketplace items installed
- Bug Fix: unable to delete inactive module that has unmet dependencies
Version 5.1.3:
- New: "Errors Only" button in the Activity Log
- New: "log_message" jrCore trigger event that is fired when a message is added to the Activity Log
- New: skin menu items can define menu entries to require a value from the users Home Profile quota
- New: "src_only" parameter for {jrCore_image} template function - returns only src URL for image instead of full tag
- Change: Skin Menu entries are no longer cached for logged in users
- Bug Fix: The "live_search" form field type now accepts "value" and "default" parameters
- Bug Fix: multi profile users could change active profiles while creating an item and have the item be saved to the wrong profile
- Bug Fix: item_id in db_delete_item event was not correct for jrUser/jrProfile deletes
Version 5.1.2:
- New: "cache_seconds" jrCore_db_search_items parameter support
- Bug Fix: Smarty "default" variable modifier was not always replacing empty vars ("home" page title should now work)
- Bug Fix: "sections" in module forms using the form designer were not always ordered correctly
Version 5.1.1:
- New: Template processor uses unique app_dir prefix so change of JR directory does not use old templates
- Bug Fix: "target" attribute for anchor tags was being stripped
Version 5.1.0:
- New OR ability for DataStore searches - i.e. "user_name like %brian% || user_name like %brad%"
- New user counts for modules using a DataStore (i.e. user_jrComment_item_count, user_jrRating_item_count, etc.)
- New Item Detail Features tool (System Core -> Tools) and support
- Module requires can now define a minimum required version number via ModuleDir:ModuleVersion
- New jrCore_get_advanced_setting() for checking for advanced settings set in config/config.php
- New jrCore_format_string modifier functionality + "Text Formatters" tool
- New jrCore_db_delete_multiple_item_keys() DataStore function
- New Cache Reset checkbox added to Integrity Check
- New repair.php.html script for repairing JR Database tables offline
- Bug Fix: The ACP could revert to the Elastic skin temporarily when a new module was loaded
- Bug Fix: cache keys sometimes would not line up on set/delete
- Bug Fix: JS elements added by modules were not being added to profile index views or skin template overrides
- Bug Fix: Skin Menu entry re-ordering would appear not to work
- Bug Fix: jrCore_string_to_url() works properly with URL as first character of a string
- Bug Fix: Custom Skin Menu entries were not showing
- Bug Fix: meta/footer JS/CSS were not always being added in properly to the template
- Bug Fix: modified and new functions for use with the jrChainedSelect module
- Bug Fix: Memory values are now correct on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks
- Bug Fix: Modal errors now show in update list just like updates
- Update bundled TinyMCE editor to version 3.5.10
- Update bundled Mobile_Detect to version 2.7.2
- Update bundled Smarty to version 3.1.15
- Update bundled jPlayer to version 2.5.0
Version 5.0.0:
- Initial Release