The Groups Core module provides core support for "Profile Groups". Group Support allow profile owners to create "groups" within their profile that contains functionality exclusive to the group (such as group pages and discussions).
Profile Groups module changelog
Version 1.5.31:
- Change: All user information now included in the template data
Version 1.5.30:
- Change: Updates to the way the Group Discuss and Group Page 'recently active' options are handled
Version 1.5.29:
- New: Groups can now show in profile stats listings
Version 1.5.28:
- New: Events added for when a user joins or leaves a group
Version 1.5.27:
- Change: Updated to work with new Recycle Bin functions found in Jamroom Core 6.2.0
Version 1.5.26:
- Bug Fix: Searching group members could return all members regardless of search term
Version 1.5.25:
- Bug Fix: New members may not show as part of a Group until group member cache resets
Version 1.5.24:
- Bug Fix: Groups that a user belongs to could be cached incorrectly in some instances
Version 1.5.23:
- New: item_detail.tpl updated to allow Group Pages re-ordering as supported by the Group Pages module
Version 1.5.22:
- Bug Fix: Only matching group members show on Group index page after performing a member search
Version 1.5.21:
- New: Form Designer image fields are checked to see if the user has Group access before displaying image
- Bug Fix: Depending on skin design, some calls to a group discussion or page could fail
Version 1.5.20:
- Change: Updated module queue worker to limit number of queue entries to 1 at a time
Version 1.5.19:
- Change: All users associated with the group's profile now notified upon members leaving
Version 1.5.18:
- Change: Sharing system adjusted to work with OneAll module changes
- Change: Upon new group creation, all users linked to the profile are added as members
Version 1.5.17:
- New: Added item_detail_meta.tpl for social media meta tags
Version 1.5.16:
- New: Search box added to group members list page
- Bug Fix: RSS feed listener fix
- Bug Fix: Pagination on group discuss topics could fail to return results
Version 1.5.15:
- Change: Removed extra jrCore_item_detail_features in item_detail.tpl
Version 1.5.14:
- New: Global Config option so non-members become a member if they comment on an item in a public group
Version 1.5.13:
- Change: Successfully modifying a group member now returns you to the Group index
- Bug Fix: Language strings on private group message we not in language file
- Bug Fix: Some group comments were not showing to private members of private groups
Version 1.5.12:
- Change: Updated functionality to return private groups for Comment module privacy checking
- Bug Fix: Group discussion transfer tool members bug and email template fix
Version 1.5.11:
- Change: Profile Admins can now "join" Groups and will show as a member of the Group
Version 1.5.10:
- Change: Optimized datastore event listener to be faster when showing Group images
- Bug Fix: URL in Transfer tool notification email template was incorrect
Version 1.5.9:
- New: Tools for transferring Group Discuss and Group Page item to other groups added
Version 1.5.8:
- New: "group_member_count" key added to allow sorting of lists based on group membership count
Version 1.5.7:
- Bug Fix: Error when member of a private group tried to view all discussions
Version 1.5.6:
- Bug Fix: RSS Feeds from Group Discussions may not show group name correctly
Version 1.5.5:
- Bug Fix: Group member count was not being returned correctly
Version 1.5.4:
- Change: db_search_items listener optimization
- Bug Fix: Fix to detail template
Version 1.5.3:
- Bug Fix: Template fix to not show the Comment Wall header if comments are disabled
Version 1.5.2:
- Bug Fix: Group cache was not being reset upon a new or leaving group member
Version 1.5.1:
- Bug Fix: Profile cache was not being reset upon a new or leaving group member
Version 1.5.0:
- New: Integrity Check queue worker to validate group membership
- Bug Fix: User Leaving a group email notification is not including the user name that is leaving
Version 1.5.0b5:
- New: Site Builder widget grid templates added
Version 1.5.0b4:
- Bug Fix: Users now de-activated on member table if deleted
Version 1.5.0b3:
- Bug Fix: Updates to item_detail.tpl to fix URLs that might display a "jrImage_display" error in the members image section
Version 1.5.0b2:
- New: ChangeOwner module listener that removes the original owner from the member list and adds the new owner.
Version 1.5.0b1:
- New: Group members stored on their own table
- New: System Reset listener to truncate the member table
Version 1.4.4:
- Bug Fix: in rare instance "group_members" could be corrupted if JSON does not decode correctly
Version 1.4.3:
- Bug Fix: follow discussion button should only show for members of the group
Version 1.4.2:
- Bug Fix: Group member images may not show when viewing a group if Group information is cached
Version 1.4.1:
- Change: Visual formatting of the follow button changed to match how forums button is displayed
Version 1.4.0:
- New: added support for the new group follow button in group discuss
- Bug Fix: Minor item_detail.tpl template bug fix
Version 1.3.5:
- New: adjusted to work with the Group Discuss config option to allow recently active discussions to be displayed at the top of the list.
Version 1.3.4:
- Bug Fix: Group privacy issue where pending members had access fixed
Version 1.3.3:
- Bug Fix: Comments and comment form being shown to non members
Version 1.3.2:
- Bug Fix: create and update form description fields' validation changed from 'printable' to 'allowed_html'
Version 1.3.1:
- Change: Max Member Images now used to set the number of images on the view all members list too
Version 1.3.0:
- New: "Allow Comment Wall" Group config setting to enable/disable group Comment Wall
- Change: item_detail.tpl updated with Comment Wall change + fixed missing language strings
Version 1.2.1:
- Bug Fix: "group_members_count" key may not be set on a group item
Version 1.2.0:
- New: "Groups You Follow" section added to User Account drop down menu
- New: Updated to support new NingJa skin "Show Profile Header" global setting
- Change: Templates modified: item_detail.tpl, item_index.tpl, item_members.tpl
Version 1.1.8:
- Bug Fix: User name and URL in Recent Discussion list could be incorrect for Admin user accounts
Version 1.1.7:
- Bug Fix: If an group is set for admin approval on update, clicking the join button would cause it to require approval again
Version 1.1.6:
- Bug Fix: Language strings in Group Config for user were not in the Language file
Version 1.1.5:
- Bug Fix: Group member pagination url fix
Version 1.1.4:
- Bug Fix: Group discussions were not being deleted when a group was deleted
Version 1.1.3:
- New: Form Designer support added to group create and update
- New: Updated so group_title is now a searchable field
- New: group_members_count DataStore field added
- Bug Fix: Group Discussion and Pages checkboxes may not "stick" in User Config
- Bug Fix: "joined" group member key being deleted on User Config save
- Bug Fix: "user_config" and "user_config_defaults" event triggers properly registered
Version 1.1.2:
- Bug Fix: Ordering of Group Discussions and Group Pages may be incorrect
Version 1.1.1:
- Change: deleted unused User menu link
Version 1.1.0:
- Change: All new Profile Group framework for developing Profile Group modules
Version 1.0.0:
- Initial Release