Locked Pages (FOR VIP MEMBERS)

11 years ago
200 posts
Is there a way to create like a locked page on my jamroom. I'd like to have it for paying vip members where once a non paying member subscribes the page automatically opens up for them. Also in the unlocked page it should allow upload of files they can only get as a vip. Something similar to the forum on jamroom.net. I would really appreciate to know how it can be done if its possible. Thanks !
updated by @kayskeem: 05/04/14 11:15:01PM
11 years ago
200 posts
I guess what I'm asking for is like subscription to forum on my jamroom website but allow uploads of files etc on there for users to be only able to download as a vip member.
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
Create your pages with coding like this:

{if $quota_myBadges_badge_type == "vipmember"}
<div class="row">
<div class="col12">
  <div class="containter">
<p> This is some exclusive content </p>
<p> You are not authorized to view this page </p>


updated by @developer-networks: 03/17/14 11:50:55PM
11 years ago
200 posts
What do I do with that code though ? I guess what I'm really asking is lets say I want free music to Vip artists only. How do I go about doing that because the way its set up now anyone can download from the album or song I upload. That is what I'm trying to avoid from happening.
Developer Networks
Developer Networks
11 years ago
566 posts
something like this
{jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" search1="_profile_id = "YOUR PROFILE ID"" search2="audio_album = "YOUR ALBUM ID"" order_by="audio_file_track numerical_asc" limit="50" autoplay=$_conf.$ap} 

Or go to the create audio form designer and create a field. Call it VIP_Download or something and make a check box for type. This way if the box is checked any vip member can download the song for FREE create the if statement to show the download button if they are in the vip quota.
Using the Form Designer tool
form designer profile fields
11 years ago
200 posts
Wow thanks @b360. It didnt even cross my mind to use the forum designer. I will have to try that and see. Thanks so much !!
11 years ago
200 posts
I've set it up the form designer and it doesnt work but I think I need a code inside jraudio to show a button for vip only downloads. So now i'm stuck. Can anyone help ?
11 years ago
517 posts
On your audio_detail and audio_list templates where the audio item is listed, you could do something like:

{if $profile_quota_id == X}
Show the free download link
show your error message

Where "X" is your VIP Member quota number.
11 years ago
200 posts
yes that will work too but the thing is its separate from what everyone can download. Theres two things, Jamroom has it set up for everyone to download audio now. I still want that but besides that I want Vip only download. For special files I'd like to have it where they have to subscribe to become a vip to download it. Also the form designer helps allow all users to assign a specific song to vip download only. Now how do i implement this ? I want to make another download button just for vip downloads, separate from the download button for all. Itll be highly appreciated if I can get this.
11 years ago
517 posts
So you would probably have to do a combination of both suggestions from @b360 and mine?

"If the profile ID = to the VIP quota AND the VIPdownload is ticked"
Show the special file download
Show the normal download
Show the error

Sorry I'm not the best with code, obviously. LOL.
11 years ago
200 posts
Hey this is done thanks @ilovehousemusic, @b360 thanks I appreciate you coming with a solution for this!! Jamroom gets better and better.
11 years ago
517 posts
@kayskeem - Sweet! I'm still learning myself!
