Graph module

3 months ago
86 posts
What can you do with this module? There's pretty much nothing in the documentation about how to use this module. What I want to know is can you use this to create graphs that users to use to see their daily streams or something like that
updated by @monee: 03/11/25 05:45:10PM
3 months ago
7,793 posts
Its more of a helper module. Not all modules do something that's customer facing.

If you have the Graphs module turned on then you will see buttons on the dashboard that charts the data, eg signups this month, the graph will show how many per day.

Yes you can use its functions inside a module you build to display things in chart or graph form. That would save having to build that functionality but there's no buttons or controls really.
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3 months ago
86 posts
is there any documentation on how to use these functions in module? Also the dashboard comes up as a module when you search it in the ACP. Is it separate module somewhere or is it a module built into the core. What I want to do is build something like a dashboard and analytics module for users.
3 months ago
7,793 posts
The underlying graphing system is this one:

You'll see there are a ton of ways to use that system. The jrGraph module is just scaffolding around that.

For a simple-ish example look in the jrTracker_report_created_resolved() function in the jrTracker module. It plots tickets opened vs tickets closed
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3 months ago
86 posts
ok thanks. I'll look into that and see what I can do