solved How can I add Google verification to my Jamroom hosted sites?

7 months ago
558 posts
How can I add Google verification to my Jamroom hosted sites??

I've tried the various suggestions on Google Console but none seem relevant to Jamroom sites. The Meta Tag does't appear to work.
updated by @isleander: 02/07/25 12:59:24PM
7 months ago
7,794 posts
The meta tag is the best way. Add it to meta.tpl then refresh the caches. Go to the top page of the site, right click and choose "view page source". If you can see the tag there, then go back to google and hit 'VERIFY' button and it will be verified.
7 months ago
558 posts
Great! Thanks Michael.
6 months ago
10,149 posts
The correct way to do this is with the Meta Tag Manager module. In the module's "Meta Tag Browser" tab, in the create new meta tag form select "google-site-verification" from the tag name drop down and paste your value in to the tag content field.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
6 months ago
558 posts
Hello Brian,
Had had tried that method a number of times but Google couldn’t verify it.
However, it did work by pasting it into the meta.tpl