
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
4 years ago
108 posts
wondering if can use hotmail for an email server
updated by @dean-venier: 07/06/21 02:34:14AM
4 years ago
7,799 posts
you can have (any email address you like) redirected to your hotmail account.

so if you had

Add that to your servers email aliases here:

and point it to:

Then any email that gets sent to will arrive at
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
4 years ago
108 posts
so where i'm at in jamroom, is where have to make the, smtp info

for the external mail server
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
4 years ago
108 posts
yea i'm using for an email

or could i use my hotmail account

yet, it's, where want it on external mailserver, for subscription sign ups
updated by @dean-venier: 04/06/21 10:30:14AM
Dean Venier
Dean Venier
4 years ago
108 posts
yet it's getting that activation email to work, for the user, when signs up
4 years ago
7,799 posts
You're on jamrooms servers so email will be sent out via mailgun connected to our mailgun account.

It looks like your domain name has just recently been changed and there is a message here:

Quote: Pending Email Validation
Email delivery may not work until the primary domain is validated - please allow up to 24 hours for validation

Once that's complete then the site will be able to send out email.

You are free to change it to a SMTP server if you like but its not required.
