site news

5 years ago
1,354 posts
I cant get site news to work I followed the instructions outlined in Admin Note:
I cleared the cache and it don't work .

Welcome To Jamroom5!and

Jamroom 5 is a powerful flexible PHP Content Management Framework, great for building community based sites and custom apps.

Admin Note: Go to the Admin profile blog section to create site news for this section, make sure to set the category to "site news".

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.

updated by @izhmel: 11/02/20 07:17:13AM
5 years ago
7,799 posts
Try resetting the caches.
5 years ago
1,354 posts
I did that

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.
5 years ago
917 posts
Can you show me the jrCore_list call?
5 years ago
4,335 posts
This on dubmusic?
I'm noticing that whereas works ok, gives white screen, and many of your links are trying to jump from one to the other.
Check this out on your cPanel or contact your hosting to get this sorted first as it could be the source of your issues.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
1,354 posts
Yes Paul dubmusic I cant get "site news " to work I followed the instructions And they don't work . I was also trying to get " APCu functions " to work wish I installed on the server wish is a one click install without any options and " APCu functions " wont work .
What would I ask the server admin about ? I can here them telling me it is a JR issue


The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.
5 years ago
4,335 posts
There seems to be a lot of problems with your custom skin, with the homepage giving a white screen when using the 'www.', and when not using that, sections of the page are not loading. Your logs are also full of page not found errors and mysql errors caused by offsite URLs.
I temporarily switched the site to the stock MediaPro skin and all worked ok.
I suggest you need to sort all the issues with your custom skin first.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
5 years ago
1,354 posts
The code below stop working in skin/index.tpl , the playlist is not working in the template files . I removed the code and "Top Songs" showed back up , but I still cant get "site news to work "

" {jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" search="profile_quota_id = 1" autoplay="true" order_by="_item_id random" limit="4500" }

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.
