solved Order of Photo Albums in pop-up

5 years ago
334 posts
Photo Album is a very popular feature on our site and some people have dozens.

I've had reports since the last major update, that when adding an image to a photo album, the pop-up that gives the Photo Album names for selection is showing the Albums in the order they were created. It used to show them in reverse date order, which is what is wanted by default (i.e., most recently created first).

I am not seeing this problem in my Admin or non-Admin users, but I have been given log-in details for someone who has this problem, and I can see it in that account. I will raise a support ticket and give you the log-in.

I have used the Photo Album re-order feature. In my Admin and non-Admin users, that does change the order in both the Photo Album list and the pop-up selection box. In the user who's albums are in reverse order, I tested this by moving that very last album to the top of the list. It had no effect on the order of the pop-up list even after clearing my PC cache.

updated by @lornawebber: 09/21/20 10:53:31AM
5 years ago
4,335 posts
This has been fix in the next module releases.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
