solved Updating the Documentation Module

6 years ago
370 posts
I guess I really should know the answer to this BUT it's the first time I've had to consider it , so...... If I have heavily customised templates in the Documentation module do I need to back up those template changes before I update to the latest version? I also have a number of customisations in the Ningja templates which specifically target the doc module but I suppose they will be unaffected?

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru

updated by @adolygwr: 12/05/19 02:29:19AM
6 years ago
917 posts
Yes you should always back up any customizations before you update any files. Preferably you’re using skin overrides to customize module templates. For example jrBlog_item_list. tpl would overrides the jrBlog item_list.tpl.
6 years ago
917 posts
You would place the above template in your skin directory.
6 years ago
7,799 posts
Depends on how you've done the customized templates.

If you've cloned a skin or created a new one, then uploaded files that start with the name of the module:

Then they are safe, you'll just have the old version of the template file that you'll then need to check to see if there are any changes you want to bring in to your skin override template.

If you're over-riding by using the Template editor on the TEMPLATES tab of the Docs module in the ACP then those overrides will still be there after the update and you can use the COMPARE button to see what the difference is.
6 years ago
370 posts
So....if I understand you correctly I do not need to save all the customisations ( they are mostly socail buttons and a few if/else loops ) and copy and paste them back in to the individual templates after I upgrade? Presumably though I could do it this way?

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru
6 years ago
10,149 posts
So....if I understand you correctly I do not need to save all the customisations ( they are mostly socail buttons and a few if/else loops ) and copy and paste them back in to the individual templates after I upgrade? Presumably though I could do it this way?

No - that's not what you would want do. You _could_ do that, but that is a waste of effort. Michael outlined the 2 choices you would want to use.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom