solved Why are some modules displaying like they were disabled?

6 years ago
328 posts

Why are the Annika Live Wall and Aparna modules displaying like they were disabled when I run Reload Modules Or Skins?

Their Reload button is gray. No Availability, No Changes, No Channel, No Status info. The Channel and Status show a question mark (?). The only info avalaible is their version: Annika Live Wall 1.1.4 and Aparna 1.1.0.

Is it normal or it is an installation failure? Are Annika Live Wall and Aparna modules discontinued? If so, can i uninstall them?


updated by @pch: 11/13/19 10:59:35AM
6 years ago
7,799 posts
Both those modules have been retired. Are any non-retired modules doing it?

If you have them installed, you can keep using them if you want to. Just cant be re-installed if you delete them.
updated by @michael: 08/14/19 03:57:12PM
6 years ago
328 posts
Oh ok. Thanks. All other modules are fine. Thank you so much.
