solved Email Course Module Setup: Auto Enroll New User on Signup Not Working

6 years ago
6 posts
We have been trying to have Jamroom's Email Course Module automatically enroll new users into coursework upon their account creation, but the enrollment Email Delivery log is empty and all courses show 0 joined.

Users have confirmed that no emails are being received, and we arent sure what we are missing when putting "Auto Enable" to "New Users When They Sign Up" with the expectation that new users will be created, many have been created since our set up with no enrollment. The module is active.

We would like to retroactively sign up existing users as well.

Any thing obvious we are missing?
updated by @anrpgadmin: 11/13/19 12:46:01PM
6 years ago
7,799 posts
Hard to say. I just checked it here and its all working.

Take a screenshot of these 3 locations in your ACP so we can see how you're set up.

connection to the course happens when the new user clicks the ACTIVATE link in the email they're sent or the admin clicks the ACTIVATE button in the pending section.
signup.jpg  •  232KB

course_browse.jpg  •  165KB

parts.jpg  •  142KB

updated by @michael: 07/28/19 09:57:07PM
6 years ago
6 posts
Hey Michael,

Thank you so much for responding and offering help.

Here are the attached images. I will check in again with our users, but it seemed as though users were not receiving emails at all. Our Course Emails Log is empty

Edit: I also neglected to mention that test emails work fine. So there is nothing stopping the server from successfully sending these emails once users get enrolled.

If I create a user, I can log in and view courses. I do not see any courses in that view, and do not receive any emails that are in courses for new users.
updated by @anrpgadmin: 08/02/19 09:35:16PM
6 years ago
7,799 posts
Its clear from the JOINED column that there are no users joined to any of the courses, so there will be no emails being sent to anyone.

When you create a new user and log in with them nothing none of the JOINED columns increments? Run the integrity check with all checkboxes checked, then create a new user.

notes.jpg  •  84KB

6 years ago
6 posts
I have twice over run the Full Integrity Check, creating a new user afterwards from scratch with an email i control.

Logging in to both accounts, there were no courses listed within the account. The Email Course JOINED Column did not increment, and I received no email.

Also, when trying to delete the nameless course, I receive the error: "could not find that course id" at the page /course/delete_course/
6 years ago
7,799 posts
Send the login details of your site to support at jamroom dot net along with a link to this thread and I'll take a look.
6 years ago
6 posts
Done. Check the support inbox when you can.
6 years ago
7,799 posts
I've got the email and the logins thanks. Nice site. It looks like you've got notifications turned off so I cant reply privately because you would not get the notification.

I see that your site is private, so what are the steps you're taking to sign new users up? The email course system adds the user to the course when they click the activation email that they are sent during the signup process. Your signup process has to be different so if you could outline the steps you take to add a new user that would be good, thanks.

It may mean you need to create a page of "Courses" where emails can be entered in, to sign users up for the course.
template.jpg  •  144KB

private.jpg  •  48KB

6 years ago
7,799 posts
I've added a page to your site at:

with the signup forms for each course. Its not linked to anywhere, just an example, you can delete it via SITE BUILDER if you dont want it/its not useful.
course_signup.jpg  •  193KB

6 years ago
6 posts

I attempted to send in an email yesterday, but we are unfortunately not subscribers to Jamroom support.

Is there a better way to reach you directly?
6 years ago
6 posts
I apologize for my previous post, I had expected a direct update and didnt realize you had a posted again here.

Thank you for your support. We will test the changes and see if it works for our environment.
6 years ago
7,799 posts
This is fixed in version 1.1.3 of the Email Course module
Version 1.1.3:
 - Bug Fix: Users created by admin from the ACP were not getting joined to auto-join courses
