a couple things about sitemap

6 years ago
772 posts
I was looking at the sitemap generated by jamroom's sitemap module and saw a couple things I'm wondering about.

It indexes mydomain.com/seamless although seamless doesn't have an index.tpl template, so the page just contains an error that there isn't an index.tpl template. This was noted in another forum thread from a couple years ago so maybe it's OK?

The link to mydomain.com/timeline shows pages of links from only one timeline (at least on my site). The module template has a list call with id=29 in it.

updated by @blindmime: 05/23/19 12:51:53PM
6 years ago
4,335 posts
Thanks - I'm thinking that the Sitemap module was developed a long time ago when it was assumed that all datastore modules would have an index.tpl template, and hasn't been updated since!!
I will check this out.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
6 years ago
4,335 posts
Actually, the seamless module does have an index.tpl template which expects the modules to list as an 'options' post, so your error that there isn't an index.tpl template is wrong.
Also, on my test site mydomain.com/timeline does list all timeline items.
What versions of the seamless and timeline modules are you running? Make sure they are up to date, or reload them if they are.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
6 years ago
772 posts
Yes, I do have the index.tpl file. The error I get is "{jrSeamless_list} required parameter "modules" is missing (modules/jrSeamless/templates/index.tpl)". On further inspection it seems perhaps due to my not employing seamless under the current theme? It's installed because I used it a couple years ago in a past theme.

Regarding timeline, if I, as admin, add a youtube video to another profile with share to timeline checked, should this activity appear under that profile's timeline or any timeline? It appears that it does not and possibly that's how it's intended.
