Comments in groups

7 years ago
15 posts
Greetings gentleman,

is it possible to enable the comment section only for the creator of the group? I would like to use the comment section to inform members about whats up to come without sending them a privat message. I already have taken a look on the quota config of the comment module but it looks like I can only completly disable the module.
Any idea?
updated by @malthor: 03/12/19 08:40:40AM
7 years ago
7,794 posts
in whichever template you're wanting to adjust put in {debug}

Then find 2 matching variables, so something like:
{if $_user._user_id == $some_variable_for_the_user_id_who_owns_the_group}
put the code for the comments section in here
so the comments box will only show if the user id of the user looking at the screen matches the user_id of the owner of the group.
