solved How do I switch my profile?

7 years ago
15 posts
Good day to you Ladies and Gents,

on my JR site, I am the administrator of two profiles, mine and a collective profile. (screenshot)
The second profile should be updatable by me and my co-worker, but when I try to post anything, it automatically posts as my own profile.
So, what I do is
Your Profiles -> selecting the second profile (Ordensbüro) -> trying to post something -> ??? -> failure
Am I missing a step?
4.JPG  •  57KB

updated by @malthor: 02/01/19 07:32:48AM
7 years ago
7,794 posts
That looks like the correct location to change profiles. There is nothing more you need to do than to go to the profile you want to post at.

An admin user will always be able to post to any profile.

A normal level user will need to be linked to a profile in order to post.

When you post to a profile it is you the 'user' that is doing the posting and that will be recorded along with what is posted.

If you dont want to show user information in the output template you can adjust the .tpl files to format the output however you like.

So if you're linked to 'profileA' and 'profileB' visit the profiles at

Then navigate to the location you want to create new items for and there should be a + button to create a new one.
7 years ago
15 posts
I started testing with different profiles and noticed that when I'm using my master admin user, I had the problem I tried described. But while I was using a profil admin, everything worked fine.
So I guess the problem was in front of the monitor.

Anyway, thank you very much for helping!
