solved A problem while i click in the comment button

7 years ago
28 posts
Hi all, I got a problem, when i click the comment button in the timeline , the jr redirect me to the user timeline,.
For example:
I posted in my timeline, and someone need to type a comment to my post, when he click to comment, he's going to my timeline's page, This is my website if you need it, Thanks :

My site

Kind regards, Hamad.

updated by @hamadqr: 02/02/19 06:50:00PM
7 years ago
7,794 posts
On the users profile timeline page there should be a comment box there. screenshot. Make sure the profile is setup to allow access to the comments from the ACP.

7 years ago
28 posts
Hi there
I am using the follow me skin
when i switched to another one I don't got this issue.
please sir, if you can check this skin and see if the problem on it?

and sorry about my english , it's not my main language :)
I hope you understand what i say above.

Kind regards, Hamad.
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Not seeing any issues with FollowMe on my site.
Can you let us have the admin login to your site and detailed steps to take so that we can replicate the issue?

Send login to support[at]jamroom[dot]net

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
28 posts
hi Paul, I did gave you the login information in the ticket support, about some months ago! If you need it again, no problem, i can send it again.

Kind regards, Hamad.
7 years ago
4,335 posts
We don’t keep login information. Please send again, along with the steps needed to see this issue.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
28 posts
hi @paul
i gave you the information, but i don't have the steps , only i can't comment
create a post and try to comment on it.

Kind regards, Hamad.
7 years ago
28 posts
again , i have a lot of problem on my site, and i am not sure why i got these problems.
when i save i don't got the message i saved the settings, etc.
i am not sure what is the problems with my server! :(

Kind regards, Hamad.
7 years ago
7,794 posts
The reason your comment box is not showing up is because you have the DISQUS module enabled but not configured.

If you have DISQUS then that will show, but if not then the normal COMMENTS module will show.

Disable DISQUSS here to make the comments box show:
7 years ago
28 posts
thanks a lot @michael , finally my problems has been solved.

Kind regards, Hamad.
