solved an error while creating a topic in the forums

7 years ago
28 posts
Hi all, today i created a topic and a category, all in the Arabic language,
when i create the category , i don't got any problems, but the topic , i got:
"Invalid forum category - please try again"
Why? !
the utf8 not supported?
I am not sure about this error.
thanks :)

Kind regards, Hamad.

updated by @hamadqr: 01/05/19 06:23:33AM
7 years ago
7,794 posts
cant say without steps to reproduce. List up the steps you took here and I'll walk through them until I hit the error. Once I can reproduce it I can look into why.
7 years ago
28 posts
First i visited this link:
then i went to the category's link, i created one with Arabic words, and i go to the forum link again,
i visited the new category and i created the topic, but i got the error.
when i switched to the English words, and i can create the topic, you can see it from here:
click here

Kind regards, Hamad.

updated by @hamadqr: 10/02/18 11:22:52AM
7 years ago
7,794 posts
could you paste those arabic words here so I can use them to create the category's link on my dev server please.

so you used:
الفئة العامة
as the category but it broke, but you would like to use that. correct?
7 years ago
7,794 posts
Im seeing the failure to create a thread in that category
fails.jpg  •  94KB

category_exista.jpg  •  102KB

7 years ago
7,794 posts
This is fixed in the marketplace now. Update to jrForum 2.2.8 and reset your caches.
utf8_working.jpg  •  143KB

updated by @michael: 10/02/18 11:18:26PM
7 years ago
28 posts
thanks @michael i'll check it now and i back again

Kind regards, Hamad.
7 years ago
28 posts
Yup fixed, thanks for this, and for who need to know how to reset the kashes , go to this link:
click here to visite the docks about the how to reset the kashes and some problems in your site with jr

Kind regards, Hamad.
7 years ago
7,794 posts
:) nice.
