when click a profile how can i see its timeline not mainpage

7 years ago
187 posts
when i click a profile i am seeking its mainpage
i want to see its timeline...
updated by @resif: 12/30/18 06:34:36PM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Is this still the Elastic2 skin? If so, when you go to a profile you do see the timeline on the main profile page.
If not Elastic2, what skin are you using?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Simplest way then is to replace the content of the Elastic2 skin template profile_index.tpl with this one line of code -


That will redirect it to the timeline view.


Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
187 posts
adding with this lost new joined members...
because also added to top...
{jrCore_list module="jrAction" search="action_mode = signup" order_by="_created DESC" limit=10}

my profile_index.tpl code is like where i can put {jrCore_location("`$jamroom_url`/`$profile_url`/timeline")}

....my code..

{* default index for profile *}

{jrCore_list module="jrAction" search="action_mode = signup" order_by="_created DESC" limit=10}
{if $quota_jrAction_allowed == 'on'}
{jrCore_include module="jrAction" template="item_index.tpl"}

{jrComment_form module="jrProfile" profile_id=$_profile_id item_id=$_item_id}

updated by @resif: 09/27/18 05:25:07AM
7 years ago
2,800 posts
You could use the Profile Tweaks module which will allow you to set a default profile index.


Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Yes, you could also do it with the Profile Tweaks module (forgot about that module), but that would also also give your users the option to to select other profile landing pages for themselves, which you may or may not want.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
187 posts
ok i will buy soon all with jamroom express
but why i lost new signups and others when i add this code.. try with both see result

{jrCore_list module="jrAction" search="action_mode = signup" order_by="_created DESC" limit=10}
updated by @resif: 09/27/18 08:31:59AM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
ok i will buy soon all with jamroom express
but why i lost new signups and others when i add this code.. try with both see result

{jrCore_list module="jrAction" search="action_mode = signup" order_by="_created DESC" limit=10}

That's because you are redirecting to a new page. You'll need to put the custom {jrCore_list...} call in the Timeline module's item_index.tpl template. Lines 75, 77 and 97. I think we've told you how to do this in another thread.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
187 posts
i didnt understand anything cos i am not using you told Lines 75, 77 and 97 now... i guess i need to clean setup..

and one thing i added this
{jrCore_list module="jrAction" search="action_mode = signup" order_by="_created DESC" limit=10}

to profile_index.tpl not item_index.tpl

anyway i understand that i should add this code to
{jrCore_list module="jrAction" search="action_mode = signup" order_by="_created DESC" limit=10}

to http://www.your_site.com/timeline/template_modify/template=item_index.tpl

right? and which line
7 years ago
187 posts
@paul ts ok now working...

but i have a problem user timeline(wall) working like profile mainpage timeline.. it has all entry and notifications like global profile timeline..

what is the problem
updated by @resif: 09/28/18 08:53:29AM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: You'll need to put the custom {jrCore_list...} call in the Timeline module's item_index.tpl template. Lines 75, 77 and 97. I think we've told you how to do this in another thread.

So you have done this, in the Timeline module's item_index.tpl template? - YourSite.com/timeline/template_modify/template=item_index.tpl

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
187 posts
@paul i did so i said it works
7 years ago
4,335 posts
OK - So this is resolved?

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
187 posts
@paul not.. i want show on wall only user own entries... Now it works as global timeline...
updated by @resif: 09/28/18 10:22:36AM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: not.. i want show on wall only user own entries

That is how it works by default (Are we going round in circles here?)

Reset that Timeline module template then :-)

But above you say -
Quote: anyway i understand that i should add this code to
{jrCore_list module="jrAction" search="action_mode = signup" order_by="_created DESC" limit=10}

Sorry but I'm very confused now as to what you are wanting.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
187 posts
@paul you said everting i do.... it was other topic... global timeline..

then i wanted when clik a username show to user wall timeline..

and you said that you should do 75 77 95 lines for this too

i did and

i am saying that ok all two working... but user wall timeline working same global timeline(mainpage)... it has all entries... i want to only user own entries at wall...
updated by @resif: 09/28/18 12:15:31PM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Sorry, but am still confused.
Which of these is correct -

1) You want 'YourSite.com/ProfileName' to redirect to 'YourSite.com/ProfileName/timeline'. You then want 'YourSite.com/ProfileName/timeline' to show just the latest user signups.

2) You want 'YourSite.com/ProfileName' to redirect to 'YourSite.com/ProfileName/timeline'. You then want 'YourSite.com/ProfileName/timeline' to show all of that profile's actions.

3) You want 'YourSite.com/ProfileName' to redirect to 'YourSite.com/ProfileName/timeline'. You then want 'YourSite.com/ProfileName/timeline' to show ALL site profile actions.

4) Something else.

Let me know which of these is correct, then send your site URL, along with the master admin login to support[at]jamroom[dot]net and I'll make it work that way.


Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
187 posts
@paul you are really awful man...
always understadn what you want never carefully read my post...

i wrote problem above...
problem is separate is user wall with global...

think that... why user should see all user act own wall

i said that

i dont understand redirecting... always you say this is a redirect..

i didnt wnat redirect wanted see click a username see user's wall not global timeline

i want the click a username i sould see its user wall not global timeline

like facebook

i click a user name i see user wall not mainpage time line

now i dont care redirect ...

i want to click user name i wantto see user wall not global timeline

and i want to see on user wall only user's act...

and other thing was... i want to see all users actions on global timelie/mainpage

i am saying last time..

in this stituation i am seeing all acts on a users's wall

and i am asking why?

you are saying you wanted redirect global time line to user wall

i didnt want that i want click see a username to see user's wall and user's actions... loging and wrote

as deafult i was click a username i was seeing the global timeline/mainpage

not users's wall

read carefully then write
updated by @resif: 09/29/18 02:30:01PM
7 years ago
10,149 posts
@paul you are really awful man...
always understadn what you want never carefully read my post...

This is really uncalled for - please be respectful. Paul has gone out of his way to help you, and yet you're calling him names. If you want someone to help you, calling them "awful" isn't going to get you very far.

All Jamroom skins show the profile "timeline" out of the box - there's nothing you need to do. Follow Me shows a GLOBAL timeline. Jamroom's timeline works just like Twitter:

- when a user views their OWN timeline they see entries from those they follow
- when a visitor views a timeline they see entries from that user

Jamroom already shows the timeline by DEFAULT. If you don't like how it "redirects" to /profile/timeline, then you will have to customize the profile_index.tpl file to suit your needs.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
187 posts
@brian firstly thank you this good software...
i was working on Oxwall some other web project.. and bougth 200 dolars plugin
but for my new project i thought that Jamroom is good cos Elastic2 was very good and Blog too
but i found many error and bug on jamroom. and Paul corrected and thanks to me...

now i have a problem showing timeline and action feed..

ı guessed Paul didnt like something i said and always understand wrong..

i never said redirect... i just said this is wrong and how can i change... i dont wanna see same feed on global timeline and user wall...

and you are worng... twitter has two timeline...
one global everthing you can see you followed actions..
and other... only your enries and your replies and rt....

how can you say this so easly...

in this stiuation on jamroom i see same things on global timeline and user wall timeline...
updated by @resif: 10/01/18 02:31:45AM
