solved Audio Cover Image Size

7 years ago
242 posts
Our audio cover images, looks good on some views, and cut off in other view.
What are the correct dimensions / size / type to upload for Audio Cover Image?
How to make sure these images look good on all views?
updated by @softdesigns: 12/13/18 08:15:25PM
7 years ago
10,149 posts
I'm not sure what you mean by "cut off" - JR doesn't cut off any image unless you're specifically applying a "crop" parameter. Please link to an example if you have one.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
242 posts
Hi - Actually these are private profiles, so I may need to put in a private support ticket on this.
Before we submit ticket, maybe this question could help:

Is there a recommended size of Profile Avatar images, and Audio / Video cover images that you recommend? Is there a particular size of image that will for sure look good / correct in all views of JR including in lists?
7 years ago
7,794 posts
'crop=auto' is square.
class="img_scale" is usually image width 100%

'Look good' is subjective, I reckon test, adjust to fit what you're trying to do is the way to go.
7 years ago
242 posts
By "Look Good" - we simply mean, the image does not get cropped incorrectly. The images look fine in some places, then in other views, get cropped or "cut off". Novice users have no way of knowing what suggested image size should be - 256x256 pixels? or 512x800 pixels?
It may be helpful, when uploading these images, to have some text near the upload, that suggest a pixel size and dimensions, to ensure image will not get "cut off" or cropped when show in lists, or the various views that JR shows the image in...
7 years ago
7,794 posts
Hard to get anything exactly right all the time. Example, I upload a profile image that is narrow and tall, say like a giraffe. Its not going to look right in a location that's expecting a 4x3 ratio image. Its not going to look good cropped square because you'll only get part of the neck section.

Same issue with a wide short image.
giraffe.jpg  •  22KB

snake.jpg  •  9KB

updated by @michael: 08/30/18 11:02:20PM
7 years ago
242 posts
@michael : I guess since our profile examples are private, I will put in a private ticket with samples.

It would be helpful, to ensure a way for these images to always look good, even in 4x3 ration, especially for novice users.

- could the image could be "cropped" when uploaded?
- or simply, the suggested dimensions be displayed when uploaded : "Image Size should be 256 x 256px"

Without any guide to image sizes, this seems to make JR harder a bit harder to use than it should be.
7 years ago
2,804 posts
You could try setting a Minimum Image Width in your ACP > Image Support > Global Config


I would set it higher than 256px, say maybe 300px.

You could also use the form designer on the profile create/modify sections and add in a size limit for a sub label, that would at least help let your users know there is an image size requirement.

Ultimately, it is up to your users. If they upload an image with an odd size, taller than wider or vise versa, then it is just going to get cutoff when cropped.

Hope this helps!


Douglas Hackney
Jamroom Team - Designer/Developer/Support
FAQ-Docs-Help Videos
7 years ago
10,149 posts
Without any guide to image sizes, this seems to make JR harder a bit harder to use than it should be.

You're right - this is a hard problem, and if you think about it for a bit you'll see there is no "just make it look awesome all the time" way to handle images. Like Michael pointed out above, you'll get images of all sizes and aspect ratios, so you're going to have weird shaped images if you do not do cropping. This is why you'll see that we crop to square/portrait in so many places, since it provides for a uniform layout and look. However, you run the risk of an image being cropped to square and cutting off an important part of the image if the image is really tall and skinny or short and wide. There's no way around this since Jamroom does not inspect the CONTENT of the image in any way.

To be 100% honest I would recommend that you just don't worry about it - 95%+ of your images will look fine, and for the few that don't if you really need them to be changed, then as an admin user:

- download the image
- fix it in an image editor
- re-upload it

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
242 posts
RE: Audio Cover Image - After reading above, tried using a "square image" - 350 x 350px
This should work everywhere since it is square.
It looks good in all "lists", but when I click on the album itself (album view) - the image is exploded and gets cut off...
I see no way to crop, or fix this image, because it is already "square" 350 x 350px - jpeg file.
How to fix this image to look correct without cutting off in "Full Album View" ?
What pixel dimensions should we use for album covers?
updated by @softdesigns: 09/11/18 09:41:45PM
7 years ago
242 posts
Thanks for the info above, that may be useful in code.
However, this image size bug is not related to custom code, this is simply using JR out of the box.
This is simply a JR album cover, and I do not see any way we can manipulate this, since this is built into JR.
RE: Album Cover Image
Every time we upload an album cover image, it gets "exploded" (larger) and gets cut off.
Simple Question:
There must be a simple, recommended image size dimensions to use for album cover ?
What pixel dimensions should we use for an album cover image?
7 years ago
10,149 posts
There's no bug here that I am aware. Please post the URL to the image you feel is not being displayed right.

You can use any dimension you want. I'd recommend just using crop=square on it to make sure it is square. Yes - some images will have areas that get cut off, but that's what happens when you crop an image.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
242 posts
@brian - Probably something we are missing, we realize sizing is tricky.
Since this Audio Cover test is on a private profile, we will submit a private support ticket...
Great Support - Thanks...
7 years ago
7,794 posts
What do you mean by "Album Cover"
