solved Cant Login to Admin Account

7 years ago
304 posts
I was linking two user accounts.
Now for some reason admin cannot log into the system and when I try to retrieve from Forgot Login the system says it does not recognise the email address?
How can I sort this please?
updated by @ukdenny: 11/22/18 11:07:31PM
7 years ago
10,149 posts
I followed up on your support ticket, so let us know if that works for you.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
304 posts
I am having my hosting company sort the database out for me, it's a bit daunting for me. They are working on it at the moment they added the code Nate gave me but I still couldn't log in using the default abc123 so they are re-looking at it. I will let you know.
7 years ago
304 posts
The Hosting company have now come back to me with thefollowing:-
We have reviewed the database entries and it the email address for the first user, which is supposed to the Administrator, is as follows:

Additionally, a username ukdenny is also associated with that user, however, as we have tried with both we were also unable to log in successfully. Since we have followed the exact instructions provided, we would be unable to assist you further, as we are not related to the application vendor, therefore we could advise you to contact them for further assistance.
7 years ago
7,794 posts
On jamroom hosting, there is a button to do this (screenshot). Since you're not on jamroom hosting another way to do this is to create a new account, then change its 'user_group' to 'master' in whatever tool your hosting company gives you to adjust the database.

* open the database
* find the jr_jruser_item_key table
* locate the user you've just created
* set its 'user_group' to 'admin'
* save.

Login as that new user.
jamroom_hosting.jpg  •  86KB

7 years ago
304 posts
Thank you Michael I will try that
7 years ago
304 posts
I can't find the user in the database, can't get any of the users up.
I added and validated a new user.
database.jpg  •  249KB

updated by @ukdenny: 08/24/18 02:28:44AM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
This has been fixed. The link between your master user account and its profile was missing from the database profile_link table. It may be that your hosting company inadvertently did this.
I added it back in and can now log into your site.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
