closed my site been hacked?

7 years ago
1,350 posts
How dp I ger rid of this ?

Hacked By | Asakir & Mr.Sph1nx

SERWAN ~ 404H4x0r

Asakir ~ SerwaN ~ Mr.Sph1nx ~ 404H4x0r Says: ~ Sikilen Gotler Hack'e Doymazmis ;)
Asakir Says: ~ Admin Bu Index Uyari Amacli Felan Degildir Tum Sitenin Anasini Siktim Sistem Dosyalarinida Sildim Webmail / Cpanel Sifrenide Degistirdim OK ?

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.

updated by @izhmel: 12/08/18 03:59:16PM
7 years ago
7,788 posts
send us your login details to login as an admin and we'll take a look.

Most likely cause is one of your community members who is in a quota thats allowed to add tags added that as a tag.

send the details to support at jamroom dot net
updated by @michael: 08/01/18 05:10:33PM
7 years ago
1,350 posts
Email sent


The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.
7 years ago
3,603 posts
You 'bout gave me a heart attack with your thread title. Sheesh!

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
1,350 posts
The hack seems to be gone now

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.
7 years ago
7,788 posts
The being gone worries me more than it appearing. Now you have no chance to understand what it was. I think it was a tag someone added that had escaped HTML, but with it gone you dont know which one of your members put it there.
7 years ago
1,350 posts
It was from a word pres site on the server

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.
7 years ago
7,788 posts
thanks for the update.
7 years ago
1,350 posts
when I try to add audio or video , I get

Hacked By | Asakir & Mr.Sph1nx

~ 404H4x0r

Asakir ~ serwan ~ mr.sph1nx ~ 404H4x0 Says : ~ fucked by the Gotham Hacke Doymazmis;)
Asaka Says : ~ Admin This reservation warning purpose of Felen is Not Tum I Fuck Site Anas System I delete the files Webmail / Cpanel touchin 'a lil in Sifreni OK?
Hacked By Asakir&Mr.Sph1nx

Thx : ifactoryx- General - MuhmadEmad - WEF - Comfort - NeT.Defacer! - Save - BatmanLe72 Halshoy - Hawleri_hacker defacto - relevant - B4B4NN - r00t 3xpl0! T3RRA - AP0JAN - forever - Partizan - aN0 KURDISH

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.
7 years ago
7,788 posts
Your server has been hacked into. You need to change all your server passwords and (ideally) restore from a backup before you were hacked.

If your server company does not have backups, change server companies.

Its a difficult situation. You're going to need to try to figure out what changes they made and undo those changes.

You'll also need to figure out how they got in to make those changes then block that hole.

Since you don't know whether the hole was in the server side script, or jamroom, or another script on the server there are lot of places to look for the hole.

It could take a lot of time, or if you hire someone could cost a lot.
