solved How to change the default settings for Notifications?

7 years ago
694 posts
Is it possible for Admin to change the default settings for Notifications, for all members?

I do not want all members to be notified - by default - when new members join the network - this may be simply annoying for them.

I could not find any jr Documentation about the Notifications set up.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 10/17/18 06:40:54AM
7 years ago
7,793 posts
only admin gets notified when new members join the network
7 years ago
694 posts
Thanks - I logged in with a member account, and can confirm that by default, there are no options shown for a notification about new members joining, for ordinary members. In my case, that is fine. Other sites might want such an option though.

Here is another example:

GuestBook Entry -You can be notified when a new GuestBook entry is created in your GuestBook. Do Not Notify / Send Email/ Send Private Note

The options for this kind of notification are shown when the GuestBook module is enabled for a Quota, and not when it is not. And the default setting for this "Send Email".

So Admin can control whether all or zero options are shown for this, by activating or de-activating the module, but cannot (easily) control the specific default setting if the module is active.

So we have some control of default notifications at the level of module implementation, but not at the level of notification setting, and not if the notification is not related to a stand-alone module.

Is there something obvious here that I am not seeing? Could this all be clarified in Documentation, even if "Notifications" are not controlled through a stand-alone module?

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 07/18/18 08:10:03PM
7 years ago
7,793 posts
You're right, you can't as admin set the system up as:
* The profile has a guestbook, but the profile owner will not be notified when someone writes in the guestbook.

By default the notifications are set to ON. The user can then decide to turn them off.

What your after can be done by a module though, although the question "Why?" does jump to mind.
7 years ago
694 posts
When I look at the notifications that members can turn on or off, there are examples for which I believe the current default setting is best, and examples for which most members might prefer not to be notified.

Most members, being passive, do not bother to touch their settings - and will judge the site not on how it might work if they are actively engaged, and adjust their own (unfamiliar) settings, but how it works while they do nothing.

So I am trying to look for ways avoid members receiving the least necessary notifications, while receiving the notifications I think are most necessary.

But the system is OK as it is. I would not rate this an urgent matter. The question occurred to me, and I did not find any documentation to answer it.


PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (
7 years ago
7,793 posts
The default is going to be to notify the correct user of something they should be interested in. We've tried to get it setup right, however if there is somewhere where you think the default should be something other than what it is, let us know.