For sharing with OneAll Social, how to link another network account to a JR network account?

7 years ago
694 posts
I have OneAll social installed and new members seem to have no trouble signing up with it.

To allow members to share their posts on the JR based network with other networks, I went to the OneAll Social quota config panel, then clicked "Enable networks" for the signup quota, and also for Admin quota so I can see how it works with my own profile.

When I went to the "Networks" tab in my profile "Account settings" page, I found the following help note:

"Select the external social networks you would like to link to your account - note that you must already have an account on the linked social network, and have linked it to your account in order to link your activity stream."

I find the statement barely understandable (what is being linked to what and how?). I think it may mean the following:

"Select an external social network you would like to link your account to.
Note that you must already have an account on the social network you are linking to, and that account should be linked to your account here first, in order to send your activity stream from here to there."

If this interpretation is correct, is it self-evident on other networks how to link them to a personal account in a JR based network?

Will other networks ask us to link our account on JR to the other network first, creating a perfect loop of impossibility?

What does it mean exactly, to "have the linked social network linked to your account"?

I have never done such a thing before. How can other networks be linked to a personal account on a JR-based network?

This will be a new challenge for every member joining a JR-based network and hoping to share to their profiles on other networks. How will they know what to do at the other networks?

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 10/14/18 11:53:48PM
7 years ago
7,793 posts
researchcooperative:....."Select the external social networks you would like to link to your account - note that you must already have an account on the linked social network, and have linked it to your account in order to link your activity stream."....
its saying: "If you want to share to twitter, you need to have a twitter account."

So the user goes to their

Then twitter will open and ask "since you are currently logged in at twitter as SOMBODY, would you like to let this jamroom site post to your sombody twitter account?" you say YES, then the account is linked and when you share things, you'll have the option to share to twitter.
7 years ago
694 posts
Thanks... that looks simple, but I am not seeing any option related to Twitter in the Notifications page at my JR site. Did you mean "Networks" in the above sequence?

I do find Twitter listed in the Networks panel, and tried to activate that for sharing, but when I signed in as a member with a Twitter account, and used my blog to post a message, the message was not shared with Twitter for the following reason (provided in an automatic message from Twitter):

twitter 14/07/18 11:17:09PM The provider did not accept the message: the application is set to read-only and may not be used to publish content.

So when Admin sets up OneAll Social Signup/Signin for a network, using the "Read only" setting for the Twitter Api, this means that members cannot share content with their Twitter account.

Until I change the Twitter Api, I should deactivate Twitter in the "Sharing networks" panel under "Global config" in the OneAll module.

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (
7 years ago
7,793 posts
Yes, you're right, it should be NETWORKS.

That looks like there is a setting at twitter that needs checking.

Try the steps found here:

1. Go to
2. Select your app
3. Go to the Settings tab
4. Look for 'Application Type'
5. Change it to Read and Write
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