solved When is Jamroom Radio coming back ?

7 years ago
1,354 posts
When is Jamroom Radio coming back ?
This was useful feature in Jr 3 on words That was not included in the newer JR versions with a few clicks to create a radio station .. Please bring it back !


The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.

updated by @izhmel: 09/22/18 11:36:35PM
7 years ago
917 posts
You can still do this with site builder. The player can have any kind of list you want.
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Use the playlist module to create a radio station.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
1,354 posts
In The pact you did not have to copy and paste any codes , not everyone wants to write codes , or copy and paste codes ,or is that technical incline , I would like to see a radio station module as before..

Before you could just pick a genera quota or artist to create a station with out the user have to write any codes , this is more user friendly than writing codes .

If you ever used the module you would see what I mean ...

Whats the reason why this more user friendly module was taken away that was very easy to used ?

The Scientist
Thanks for any assistance.

updated by @izhmel: 06/24/18 07:15:53AM
