Search box for members

7 years ago
435 posts
Is there anyway to put in a search just for the members when using the members tab? Right now they are just a library of faces without an index.
updated by @perrie: 07/10/18 09:59:19PM
7 years ago
917 posts
{jrSearch_module_form fields="profile_name,profile_bio,profile_genre"}
7 years ago
3,603 posts
Members tab? Not sure what you mean. Do you mean the main links along the top of your main page, one of which might be 'members'?
Perrie do you mean you member 'index' page, as in: ? My member index page has a search box there above the member avatars, here:
Maybe you can post a screen shot of where you are talking about if you mean someplace else and can't describe it exactly.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
435 posts
Hi Strumela,
Yes I mean the main links at the top of the page.
I don't seem to have my site configured the same as you. My page says
I have included a screenshot of my members page.
Yours looks much nicer than mine and it includes the member's names.
updated by @perrie: 03/13/18 03:22:40PM
7 years ago
917 posts
The code I gave you above should go in the header you have in that image. (where "members" is) it will create a searchbox. You'll need to do some css work. Ideally you'll wanna float it to the right. The search box will return results on the same page.
updated by @nate: 03/13/18 03:25:40PM
7 years ago
435 posts
Thanks Nate.
Why is there such a difference between my member page and Strumelia's? Could it be skin related?
7 years ago
917 posts
I'm not really sure which skins you guys are using. Strumelia does a lot of work on her site, so I imagine hers is custom.
7 years ago
3,603 posts
{jrSearch_module_form fields="profile_name,profile_bio,profile_genre"}

I like to add profile_location to that as well. Depends on the type of site though- my members often ask about searching for/finding other members near them to play music with.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
435 posts
Did you do your own custom work on your member page and what skin are you using? It looks nothing like mine.
7 years ago
3,603 posts
Why is there such a difference between my member page and Strumelia's? Could it be skin related?
Yes Perrie, it's skin and template related... in that I did a lot of customizations especially to the 'look' of my site to make it easy for my members to find their way around and (hopefully) friendly and pleasant to look at. I started (like you too maybe?) from the basic generic "Ningja" skin long ago. Most of the customizations were done around the time i moved from Ning 2.5 years ago, but it's an ongoing process, especially when updates keep coming along to mess with my head. (lol)
I'm still no coder, but I manage to figure out small site tweaks on my own here and there. And I do make mistakes. ;)

What skin did YOU base your site design from Perrie?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 03/13/18 04:19:19PM
7 years ago
917 posts
{jrSearch_module_form fields="profile_name,profile_bio,profile_genre"}

I like to add profile_location to that as well. Depends on the type of site though- my members often ask about searching for/finding other members near them to play music with.

Yeah mine is just an example. Most skins don't use profile genre. The fields can be changed to your desire.
7 years ago
435 posts
Hi Strumelia,
You did a great job with your site for not being a coder.
I went with the ninja skin/ site builder and did massive amounts of changes. But some top pages got lost in the shuffle and the member page is one of them.
If you use the wayback machine :*/ and pick the date of June 16, 2017 you'll see what the site looked like. Here is the way it looks presently Please excuse the insanity of the politics.
I'm still no coder. I had a lot of help from a member. But still I have to take care of these kinds of issues.
And I'm an accountant and it's tax season, so I am hardly sleeping LOL!
I can't believe we've been gone from Ning for so long. Don't miss the place at all... and I have to thank you for talking me into Jamroom! :)
updated by @perrie: 03/13/18 04:48:17PM
7 years ago
3,603 posts
I notice two things on your 'members' page Perrie. If you HOVER your mouse over a picture of a member, a popup shows their member name and if you click on the avatar or name it takes you to their profile page... so that's good.
And two: if you type in a member name into your general site search box at top right of any page, it also will show you the search results with that member as a result. I searched for fitbuddy and got this: That's good too.
Note that on THAT page, there is also a "search profiles" search box where you can search for other member names.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
435 posts
I knew it did that.. but it is not intuitive enough for my new members who are looking for old friends, hence why this became an issue. So I am going to do some more coding with that snippet I got from Nate and you and see if that helps them.

Nate, is there a place to put the code into the templates or only the CSS?
updated by @perrie: 03/13/18 05:09:49PM
7 years ago
917 posts
That code snippet goes in a template. Here's the thing you may have to create the template if it's not a custom page. If it is, I am guessing it is, you want that code in the same div that holds the title "Members".

This might work. You'll have to try. I'm merely adding a style tag to the code.
{jrSearch_module_form fields="profile_name,profile_bio,profile_genre" style="float:right"} 

updated by @nate: 03/13/18 06:35:31PM
7 years ago
3,603 posts
Perrie, look in your active/custom skin's templates, for one called: jrProfile_index.tpl
If your active skin DOES have that template, then you are going to add the code into THAT template. (that would be a customized template in the skin that overrides the original template in the PARENT module... in this case, jrProfile module))

If your active skin does NOT have that template, then go directly to your jrProfile MODULE and put the code in the original index.tpl template in that Profiles Module.

If you don't use member 'genres' but you do want to be able to search members by location as well as by their profile name, then look at the following section of code from my own index.tpl template:
    <div class="title">
        {jrSearch_module_form fields="profile_name,profile_url,profile_location"}
        <h1>{jrCore_lang module="jrProfile" id=26 default="Profiles"}</h1>
--- Note that your site may have slightly different code in that profile module template than on my site. Don't make any changes to that! You simply want to add the one SINGLE line with brackets that mentions the Search_module... and add it right below the "div class title" line but above the h1 line. See where I put mine in the code quoted above. That I think will put the search box within your 'title' bar that says Members, on your index member page. You can also add Nate's style/floatright code as well, within that search code bracket and at the end, just like where he put it in his example.
See if that works.

Always make a COPY of the template before you change it- so you can replace the original if your changes don't do what you had hoped. Remember to click the little box and save to activate it, back in the full templates page. Remember to clear cache to see any new change.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 03/14/18 07:53:09AM
7 years ago
694 posts

I don't know how it was done, as I paid a JR team member to design this for me... but now all the search options for member profiles are shown in one place at the top of my member index page. Visitors can look at the list in alphabetical, newest, and most popular arrangement, or search all profile fields or specific profile fields. I added the latter so that visitors can realise what is possible to search for (location, work interests).

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (