I'd like to apply the latest Ninja skin update to my custom skin.
Two part question:
1) I thought i used to have the ability to use the template 'compare' tool to apply ninja updates line by line to my custom skin (which was originally cloned from 'Ningja' skin years ago). But now the Compare button for doing that is greyed out. I only get the option to apply updates if I start with opening the Ninja skin and click the compare button to compare one of its templates to my custom skin in the dropdown.... but then I can only make changes from my custom skin to the ninja skin... not the other way around.
Again, I thought I used to be able to open my custom skin and 'compare' a tmeplate to a ninja tmeplate and apply changes FROM the ninja TO my custom skin... but now the Compare button for that is greyed out. Maybe I'm not recalling this clearly and it was always this way?
Is this greyed out Compare button telling me I have to manually copy/paste any updates from the Ninja skin into my custom skin templates?
2) either way, the new update to the ninja skin involves social sharing stuff in the footer.tpl ...but that updated code includes several references to "jrNinja" skin. If I apply these ninja updates to my custom skin, do I need to manually replace all references to the Ninja skin with my custom skin's name?
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 06/09/18 09:20:28AM