solved Comet Chat vestiges

7 years ago
3,604 posts
Before Jamroom offered their own version of Chat "SimpleChat", (which my members and I all love, and which is FREE to us on Jamroom hosting)... I used to use Comet Chat on my Jamroom site.

As soon as JR's chat came along, I switched over to it and am totally happy with it. I deactivated my CC module at the time but left it in place in my ACP basically because i was afraid it might have some template setting that could screw up my Simplechat if removed.
I got brave last week and just deleted the whole CC module via my ACP 'delete module' command.
Yet I continue to see many many Comet Chat files flying by when I run Integrity checks.

My Amazon S3 bucket has recently gone from a monthly bill of around $1.50 ....first to $3.50, and now suddenly to $12. ! But that may be for another thread. Meanwhile, partly for that reason I tried to track down where those remnant CC files were on my server in order to rid myself of CC once and for all.
A couple days ago I connected via FTP to my server and ran a search for anything with either comet or cometchat in the file name. I found a bunch of stuff in my data/media/1/0 folder.... stuff like "201802250910:cometchat_chatroommessages:99CaEwC9C6GG.sql.gz" and I deleted dozens of such files with "cometchat" somewhere in the file name. Now they appear to be back again, and I just now deleted the same 133 duplicated/backup files AGAIN. I don't know how they reappeared, but they are sets of duplicates that look to have been backed up. I continue seeing lots of "optimizing table" and "repairing table" cometchat files when doing integrity checks.

Where/how can I finally delete all these annoying CC remnant and vestige files?
Please see the below screenshots of both my Integrity checks and also my Amazon S3 bucket....

CC2.jpg  •  495KB

CC1.jpg  •  235KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 05/27/18 01:17:00PM
7 years ago
4,335 posts
You have a load of old CC tables on your database from when (I think) CC was installed directly, before it was a JR module. The jrBackup module is seeing these every day and archiving them. That is why them keep re-appearing in that data/media/1/0 folder.
If the CC module has been disabled and removed (it looks like it has) and you are not going to use it again, I think its safe to delete (or 'drop' in database speak) those tables.
Goto ACP=>Developer=>Tools=>Database Admin then select all the CC tables, scroll down and click on 'Drop'. Be careful what you're doing there though - one wrong click on a needed JR table could break your site ;-)

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
3,604 posts
Yes, that was from before there was a JR cometchat module and my Premium version was installed directly.
Thank you Paul, that worked great and now those tables don't show up in the integrity chack I did afterwards. Yay!

It's scary in there in DatabaseAdminLand! =8-0

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: It's scary in there in DatabaseAdminLand! =8-0

Yeah, even I get scared, especially when on someone else's DB ;-)

Glad you're sorted.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist