Before Jamroom offered their own version of Chat "SimpleChat", (which my members and I all love, and which is FREE to us on Jamroom hosting)... I used to use Comet Chat on my Jamroom site.
As soon as JR's chat came along, I switched over to it and am totally happy with it. I deactivated my CC module at the time but left it in place in my ACP basically because i was afraid it might have some template setting that could screw up my Simplechat if removed.
I got brave last week and just deleted the whole CC module via my ACP 'delete module' command.
Yet I continue to see many many Comet Chat files flying by when I run Integrity checks.
My Amazon S3 bucket has recently gone from a monthly bill of around $1.50 ....first to $3.50, and now suddenly to $12. ! But that may be for another thread. Meanwhile, partly for that reason I tried to track down where those remnant CC files were on my server in order to rid myself of CC once and for all.
A couple days ago I connected via FTP to my server and ran a search for anything with either comet or cometchat in the file name. I found a bunch of stuff in my data/media/1/0 folder.... stuff like "201802250910:cometchat_chatroommessages:99CaEwC9C6GG.sql.gz" and I deleted dozens of such files with "cometchat" somewhere in the file name. Now they appear to be back again, and I just now deleted the same 133 duplicated/backup files AGAIN. I don't know how they reappeared, but they are sets of duplicates that look to have been backed up. I continue seeing lots of "optimizing table" and "repairing table" cometchat files when doing integrity checks.
Where/how can I finally delete all these annoying CC remnant and vestige files?
Please see the below screenshots of both my Integrity checks and also my Amazon S3 bucket....
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 05/27/18 01:17:00PM