adsense has added a new "user experience' adjustment that might surprise you in its effectiveness
basicly it increases user experience by reducing the member of ads shown, at the same time keeping 100% of your revenues (or more)
the sweet spot for me was... 40%!
so less then 1/2 of the times a page loads a ad is shown, this makes users enjoy the site more, but has no impact on income (negatively anyway)
i found that even in periods of reduced trafic, my income has gone up since making this change.
ads are always also the biggest contributer to a slow website. so 60% fewer ads means a faster general ..better user experience
and ads are shown only when they are more like,y to be clicked
you can also try it out by going into adsense and creating a new experiment, choose user experience
drag the bar down to around where it says 100% revenues and set it to run x number of days
optionally you can set up multiple experiments with different % values (from 40-100% fill rates) let it run a month and check "automaticly use the winner"
that will try each value you set and see what ends up working best for you
i just tried running an experiment for 1st time recently, but had set my fill at 50% about a month back (whenever they added this feature)
i was really surprised to see that reducing the number of ads ..actually didn't reduce income but increase it
logically you'd think more ads = higher profits
but in reality happier visitors and better user experience.. and less annoyance with ads.. actually makes the fewer ads you display pay you a lil more while simultaneously making your users have a better experience on your site
try it a week and report back your experiences good or bad
head dreadhead at dreadlocks site
glider pilot student and member/volunteer coordinator with freedoms wings international soaring for people with disabilities
updated by @soaringeagle: 05/21/18 09:56:22PM