Sitebuilder Widget problem and query

White Agency
White Agency
7 years ago
204 posts
I've set up a page with an 'Item List' widget as per the first image.

In the first search condition you can see I've got 'No Action Required' in the last field and that appears in the template code at the bottom.

When the widget is saved and then re-opened, the search condition then only contains 'No' as does the template code at the bottom.

I've checked the database and it is saved correctly and the page displays the correct results from the search so it's just a rendering issue when editing the widget. Something to do with spaces I believe.

Whilst I can the widget to display the results I need, it would be really good if the widget could pick up the search words from a query string in the url. I've tried `$_post['solution']` which I've used elsewhere in other templates but it doesn't work when used in the widget.

Any ideas on how to get round this?



2-Widget.png  •  170KB

1-Widget.png  •  173KB

updated by @white-agency: 05/18/18 10:38:27PM
7 years ago
7,799 posts
suggest copying the template code into a TEMPLATE CODE widget.

Docs: "HowTo: use {capture} to avoid using another file for {jrCore_list} calls"
template_code.jpg  •  356KB

7 years ago
10,149 posts
White Agency:
I've checked the database and it is saved correctly and the page displays the correct results from the search so it's just a rendering issue when editing the widget. Something to do with spaces I believe.

This is already fixed in the Core 6.1.6 beta:

So coming soon :)

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
White Agency
White Agency
7 years ago
204 posts
Many Thanks Michael and Brian :)

I've now got something up and running.

Just need to get it styled up better but it will have to wait until I'm back off holiday.


