Custom search

White Agency
White Agency
7 years ago
204 posts
A bit of background to my question !

We currently use the 'Solution Support' in the forum as a way for the site admins to mark/identify topics that require attention. Topics are marked for example 'No Action', 'Completed', 'Monitoring', Referred technical' etc,etc.

The templates have been modded so that ONLY the Admins can use and view the 'Solution Support'.

We've been asked if we can provide a filter for the Admins so that they filter the forum topics by a selected 'Solution Support'. ie. just show all the topics that are 'Referred technical'.

I've looked at using the jrSearch_module_form in the jrForum_item_Index.tpl.

Inserted the following into the template :- {jrSearch_module_form module="jrForum" fields="forum_solution"}, but when it's used it goes to a 'Page not found' !

Are we doing this correctly or do we need at look at writing our own module to accomplish this?


updated by @white-agency: 05/02/18 07:37:22AM
7 years ago
7,799 posts
the first thing that jumps to mind for me is to use a {jrCore_list } call to filter by the solution you want.
{jrCore_list module="jrForum" search1="forum_solution =  solved"}

From there you could grab the requested solution from the url via $_post['solution'] where the url has /solution=solved/ in it
{jrCore_list module="jrForum" search1="forum_solution =  `$_post['solution']`"}

order them by the newest.

The search box from there might work, might need tweaking to work though too. not sure.
