Here is a quote from the "Help" message in Terms of Service Module (located in Users section of ACP):
"To create new Terms of Service Pages, simply create a new Page in the Page Creator module, and include the keyword "terms" in the title of the new Page. "
1. Does this mean that we can make and use multiple Terms of Service pages? If we look at the Documentation for TOC module, it is clearly stated that we can.
But where should each TOC page be located, and how should the different TOC pages be titled?
Should each one have a different title, while containing "Terms" somewhere (anywhere?) in the title?
2. To create a page, the Page Creator module can accessed on a profile page in a quota for which the module has been activated. For example, I can create pages using page creator via the Pages tab in my Admin profile.
The module can also be accessed directly in the ACP, and the module's own Tools menu allows us to create a page inside ACP, and display that page on an (unspecified=Admin?) profile or on the "main site" (under the URL yoursitename/page) (where it won't be visible unless the full URL is linked in a text or in a menu tab).
3. Does it matter where we display a Terms of Service page?
Can it be displayed in the Admin profile? Or after the /page URL and shown with a menu tab or text link?
Or should TOC pages not be displayed elsewhere if they are intended for display by the TOC module?
I have had another TOC page containing the word "Terms" displayed on Admin profile, and it did not appear in the dropdown menu for choosing a TOC page inside the TOC module. Why not?
PJ Matthews, Kyoto
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updated by @researchcooperative: 05/01/18 03:33:14PM