Login problems

7 years ago
3 posts
I am having problems using login page. It does not recognize my password and will not take me to the admin. I have to reset my password in order to access the admin page.

my site is http://musicnotch.com
updated by @misterskeet: 04/05/18 07:54:42AM
7 years ago
3,605 posts
When you go to log in, which are you filling in for the "User ID" space: your email or your master admin username?
I ask because any oddness in your username will result in this issue. For example: if the username is Mix Master (with an accidental two spaces in middle that was put there on sign up without realizing) and you try to log in with Mix Master (one space)... you won't be able to log in. Or, if you have a period in your email address that you are forgetting to put in when trying to log in, like: mr.mix.master at gmail.com but you're putting in mr.mixmaster at gmail.com

Just mentioning this because it took me forever to figure the extra space thing out for one member who just couldn't log in on my site.

Perhaps if you have both a separate Admin account and a personal account, you might be mixing the two login id's up?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
3 posts
It will not say that I've entered the incorrect login. It will just go to that profile page but will not be logged in.
7 years ago
3,605 posts
I'm not sure what page you mean by "the admin". Do you mean the ACP page of your site?- at https:// (yoursite).com/core/admin/global ?

By default, anyone who logs in gets directed to their profile page- including admins. This setting can be changed at:
https:// (yoursite).com/user/admin/quota ...look there in the Quota Coinfig tab, under "login redirect page"... be sure to read the choices in the Help(?) button for that setting. You can change that to a page of your choice. Just be aware of what quota(s) you are making the redirect page change to.

You say you are not getting an 'incorrect login' message. ...so what page are you being redirected to when you try to log in as master admin? Your own profile page? -and do you not see your name in the top links there, indicating you are logged in?

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
7 years ago
10,149 posts
It will not say that I've entered the incorrect login. It will just go to that profile page but will not be logged in.

This sounds like PHP session support is not working correctly on your server - what's happening is that you're actually logging in, then the system goes to redirect you to your profile but the session cannot be loaded on the profile once you arrive there. Who are you hosted with, what version of PHP are you using and what version of MySQL are you running?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
3 posts
I am hosted by Arvixe.
I am using PHP 5.6.30 and MySQL 5.5.51-38.2
7 years ago
7,799 posts
If you have the option from your server control panel to upgrade to php7 try upgrading.
