Privacy config controls for profiles and accounts that I wish to take offline before eventual deletion

7 years ago
694 posts
My site has Kickbox screening a small number of accounts each day to check for inactive email addresses.

When an inactive address is detected, the account and its profile is shunted into a quota for which the Profile Privacy configuration is set to Private.

However, it appears that this privacy setting only applies to new profiles created in the quota. All the old profiles that are in this quota still have their original privacy settings, namely "Global - visible to everyone". No one is actually creating new profiles in this quota. It is not a sign-up quota!

It seems that the only way I can make these profiles invisible is to delete them (and the attached accounts), which is what I intend to do over time. There is a chance that some former members will want to reactivate their old accounts, but for very old accounts I am happy to delete them eventually, as a Spring cleaning operation.

Is there any way for Admin to switch all existing profiles in a quota to Private? That is something I would like to immediately, so that the profiles of non-contactable members do not waste the precious time of visitors to my website.

Could such a master switch option be created as part of the Quota Config controls for profile privacy?


PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (

updated by @researchcooperative: 04/05/18 02:20:33PM
7 years ago
10,149 posts
The Privacy settings in your quota config for the profile module are defaults - they are assigned to a profile at signup time. Moving a profile into the quota will not change their existing settings.

If you want to OVERRIDE what the profile has set in their individual profile, you need to UNCHECK the "Show Privacy Options":

If this option is checked, Profiles in this quota will be allowed to change their Profile Privacy. If unchecked, the Default Profile Privacy will be used instead.

This will enforce the default profile privacy on profiles in the quota.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
7 years ago
694 posts
Thanks for confirmation about what happens to Privacy settings when profiles are moved.

On re-examination, I found that my particular problem was a non-problem.

Today I found that in the process of shunting accounts into a non-active members quota, the "Profile Active" checkbox has been automatically unchecked, and a red alert banner appears at the top of the profile account page:

"This Profile is inactive and is only visible to admin users and the site owner"

Which I did not see when scrolled to the bottom of the page on my tiny laptop screen.

I wonder if red alerts can be shown top and bottom of a page, just to make them unavoidable? Not pretty but perhaps useful?

PJ Matthews, Kyoto
Migrated from Ning 2.0. Now at Jamroom 6 beta and using Jamroom Hosting for The Research Cooperative (