After recent updates, when i go to choose a smiley to use in a post, the window now suddenly has a banckground color that matches one of my darker site background colors. It used to have a simple white background. See screenshot.
The problem is that it looks crappy now and is distracting, because some of the smileys naturally have white background rectangle/containers.. and these now show glaringly when picking a smiley to insert.
Those white smiley background rectangles dont show much in the final post, because the background for posted posts is a very light cream... so I don't need to actually change the smileys themselves. But now it looks terrible in the picker for smileys because somehow the background has now been changed to the site background color which I believe is #d1c7a1 . I have not been doing anything to cause this sudden change... it seemed to kick in right after I applied the latest updates.
Can anyone tell me where I can find this bit of code so I can change it to white again?
...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
updated by @strumelia: 04/03/18 04:15:11PM