Gallery Photos showing as placeholder photos

8 years ago
772 posts
What causes placeholders to show in place of photos? I have a site where profiles set as visible to profile owners and followers have galleries listed on the gallery index page showing as placeholder thumbs to followers but the photos show to the master admin.
updated by @blindmime: 05/24/18 03:17:54AM
8 years ago
7,798 posts
Sounds like the profile is private.

If it shows up as a placeholder, use the "View Image" feature of your browser to visit JUST the image's url to see if there is any other info.
8 years ago
10,149 posts
Another tip - add:


To the end of the image URL - if you are logged in as an admin the image module will try to tell you why it can't be displayed.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
8 years ago
772 posts
Yes, the profile is private to owners and followers. If I view it as a follower I see something like this. It appears to be showing thumbnails on lists, but I can view the image on the detail page.
screenshot_1153.png  •  57KB

screenshot_1154.png  •  862KB

7 years ago
772 posts
All the images are displayed when logged in as admin. What causes placeholders to display and how can I fix this?
7 years ago
7,798 posts
private profiles would do that. Whats the URL of that page?
7 years ago
772 posts
Anywhere there is a list of items in gallery, audio, etc. I'll send you a login as a follower, along with a link via a support ticket.
