
8 years ago
370 posts
I was wondering if the following three functions could be automated in some (easy) way?

1. Birthday greets: Is it possible to assign a profile to post these and then run a script so that B'day greets are posted automatically on members profiles on their birthdays.

2. New member greets: Is it possible to assign a profile to post these via a script and assigned profile so as to do away with copy and paste?

3. Is there a way to have latest membership figures automatically increment when new members join? This would be handy for display on the members page AND perhaps an embeddable widget could be developed containing this incremented total, which invites new members to join, to post on other sites?

Ceri Shaw - AmeriCymru

updated by @adolygwr: 10/19/17 09:19:34AM
8 years ago
7,789 posts
User Birthday module perhaps:

2. not sure what this is, a message via the timeline. sure its possible with a module.

3. very easy with a small module. use a custom smarty function to retrieve the number of profiles, put it wherever you want.

Docs: "Defining your own SMARTY function"