Private notes to multiple users

7 years ago
302 posts

How can I send private notes to more than one user?

As admin I'd like to send notes to all members from a particular quota, that means I need to select a lot of users OR select the quota.

It would be very useful if only admins can send notes to multiple users

I've just updated Private Notes module to 1.4.10 and it is not included.. is there an alternative way?

updated by @andrusito: 10/14/17 10:36:43AM
7 years ago
4,326 posts
Checkout the NewsLetter module instead. Admins can create a message/newsletter and send it to specified quota(s).

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
302 posts
Thanks Paul I did it but it sends messages to email addresses.. although this is a good option, I'd like to send internal messages/private notes to all users.

Thanks anyway :)
7 years ago
7,711 posts
No module currently exists (or is planned) to send newsletters out via PM, but it could be developed if you're up for sponsoring a module to be built for the community.
7 years ago
302 posts
I don't think a new module is needed.. just adding the option to select more than one user or quota to PM module is enough, because what if I want to send the same short note to 10 users via internal messages? I have to repeat the process 10 times.. I see it impractical.

Anyway, thanks.
7 years ago
4,326 posts
If this option was available to users in the PM module it would just allow them to 'spam', so it would need to be an admin only option. This functionality would then just the replicating that of the Newsletter module imo.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
7 years ago
302 posts
Hi Paul, yes of course it would be visible for admins only as I said in my first post.

But it would not work like Newsletter, because Newsletter sends emails (e.g. to and PM sends internal notes and I think it's more probable that users read the message on the site and not on their email addresses.

Just saying..

Thanks Paul!
7 years ago
4,326 posts
We are reluctant to just go ahead and add this in as there is a problem of scalability. Every PN to every users is saved on the module's datastore so if this feature was used regularly on sites with lots of users things could get out of hand very quickly.
If you feel that this feature is essential to you, maybe you could sponsor its development whereby we could look into a way of doing it more effeciently.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
