solved How do i comment on a status update?

Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
8 years ago
826 posts
When i see people post status updates i click the comment button but it just refreshes the page and never gives me the window to post a comment. Comments seem to work fine everywhere else except on status updates made directly in timeline?
Capture.PNG.png  •  17KB

updated by @zachary-moonshine: 06/13/17 04:14:43AM
8 years ago
4,335 posts
What skin are you using? I'll try it here.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
8 years ago
826 posts
celebrity skin
8 years ago
865 posts
I always thought that you couldn't comment on status updates at least that's what I have seen in mediapro. I might be wrong but I think followme is the only skin that allows it.
updated by @garymoncrieff: 02/21/17 04:14:29AM
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
8 years ago
826 posts
it has a comment button though which throws me off lol
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Gary - You can comment on status updates - its only the recent 'social' skins that have made a feature of it :-)

Zach - Its working ok for me with Celebrity. When clicking on the comment icon I get taken to the action detail page and the comment form is there.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
8 years ago
865 posts
Gary - You can comment on status updates - its only the recent 'social' skins that have made a feature of it :-)

Ok, thanks seems like a strange thing to leave out of skins up until now.

Zach - Its working ok for me with Celebrity. When clicking on the comment icon I get taken to the action detail page and the comment form is there.

I just checked on celebrity demo and commenting doesn't seem to work on status updates, takes you to detail page but no comment area, maybe comments are turned off on the demo however.
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Yeah - Probably wants the 'Show on Detail Pages' Comment quota option turning on.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist

updated by @paul: 02/22/17 08:41:53AM
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
8 years ago
826 posts
if i go to a detail page like a video someone posted or a blog or something it works but if a person just posts a status update like "goodmorning everyone" and there is nothing uploaded or anything its just text and i try to comment on it it just keeps refreshing the page?
8 years ago
4,335 posts
Can you send me your site url and login as a ticket? I'll take a look.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Zachary Moonshine
Zachary Moonshine
8 years ago
826 posts
ticket sent thanks paul