Birthday Module

9 years ago
76 posts
The Birthday Module works fine on my dev site. The only issue I have it appears if a user creates an additional Profile to manage, the birthday of the user is displayed at the additional Profile.
which tends to confuse users.
e.g. "artist manager" A creates his user account with his birthday. then he creates an artist profile for Artist B the Birthday of manager A is now displayed as the Artist B Birthday.

not sure if I have some settings wrong will play around more

however happy for any pointers or advise

FRC All Music

updated by @mountaintop: 02/18/17 05:19:17PM
9 years ago
10,149 posts
Artist B the Birthday of manager A is now displayed as the Artist B Birthday.

Do you mean the user's birthday shows up in artist B's timeline?


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
76 posts
yes, this is what happens

let me know if there is a way to help to solve the glitch


FRC All Music
9 years ago
10,149 posts
yes, this is what happens

let me know if there is a way to help to solve the glitch


That's not a glitch - that's the way it works. If a user is linked to a profile, and has a birthday, and the "Add To Timeline" option is checked, it will show in the Timeline for the profiles the user is linked to.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
76 posts
Some Screenshots the Profile FRC All Music Network Radio has been created under the FRC Admin profile/user

It is showing the FRC Amin Birthday,

One thing I noticed when I want to edit the profile FRC All Music Network Radio there is no field showing or change the Birthday of FRC All Music Network Radio.

I assume as their is only one user id attached to both profile therefore it appears the birthday module is behaving as designed.

However, it is confusing for my members, I have a few test members testing the site which brought the issue to my attention.

I don't know enough about your structure but it appears it could be tricky as the Birthday Module serves the user and not the profile. However the site has profiles which have only one user.

not sure what would happened if you attach a second user to manage the profile

sounds confusing ...

happy to talk more

have attached two screenshots

have fun

birthday1.JPG.jpg  •  52KB

birthday2.JPG.jpg  •  54KB

FRC All Music
9 years ago
10,149 posts
One thing I noticed when I want to edit the profile FRC All Music Network Radio there is no field showing or change the Birthday of FRC All Music Network Radio.

Correct - birthdays are part of the user information - NOT the profile.

However the site has profiles which have only one user.

This should not be an issue for these profiles.

If you think it is going to be confusing for your users then I would recommend NOT using the Birthday module (turn it off) OR uncheck the "Add To Timeline" option.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 11/19/16 09:16:46AM
9 years ago
76 posts
Just unclicked share to timeline no change.

could you add above the birthday, the name of the profile owner to make an obvious distinction?

If not, I will have to disable the module as it is causing grieve with my users,

would be a shame to disable it


FRC All Music
9 years ago
10,149 posts
could you add above the birthday, the name of the profile owner to make an obvious distinction?

I'm not sure what mean - it already does this. It will say:

Today is Brian's Birthday!

So it already includes the USER name in the message. It does not include the PROFILE name in the message since a birthday is attached to the user account - not the profile.

Feel free to modify what is says to suit your needs - customize the "item_action.tpl" file in the jrBirthday module.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom

updated by @brian: 11/20/16 08:26:45AM