solved hiding profile info on my Profile Forum pages (again)

9 years ago
3,603 posts
I know I accomplished this 'somehow' a year and a half ago, and I did a giant search looking here on the forums for the info...alas.

I use a Profile Forum to house my site's discussion forums. I've named that profile "Forums" and given it its own quota. I somehow set it so that most of the "Forums" profile info did not show when people were in the various pages of my site forums.
Now I'm building a second JR site off a clone of my first site, and for some reason that setting did not duplicate over when I cloned my entire site.

I've looked in dozens of places on my site, but need help with where/how to adjust that setting for my new site please.
Here is screenshot of my main live site, where the profile forum's profile is named "forums"...this page for example is on: (

This is how I WANT it to look:
fotmd-forums.jpg  •  254KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 02/16/17 04:15:08PM
9 years ago
3,603 posts
...and this is the new half-built site where there is too much "Forums" profile info showing on all the discussion pages. Here is the /forums/forum page there, with the part I want to hide marked in red:
PW-forums.jpg  •  276KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Pretty sure the function you want is:
and the most likely place to look for that is in the jrForum item_detail.tpl file.

There are other ways to do it too, but I think this is what you're after.

Check your skin for a jrForum_item_detail.tpl file that over-rides the default one from the module.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Michael, on both sites I already have this in the active skin's item_detail/tpl :
{jrCore_include module="jrForum" template="item_detail.tpl" disable_override=true}

but that's not doing the trick, and I suspect this is not actually about the 'sidebar'?...since the sidebar IS correctly being hidden on both site's Forum Profile's forum pages, likely due to the above code being in place.
Some other bit did not transfer over to the new site when I cloned it for some reason, and is allowing the Forums profile Name and Tabs to continue appearing as in my 2nd screenshot above.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Obvious question, but as this looks to be the Ningja skin, do you have the skin forum url setting set so that the profile_header template knows that its the forum profile its looking at?
If that is the case, let me have the admin logins for the new site and I'll take a look.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Bingo! Paul!
I went to double check that on the new site ...and the url in my skin settings had an extra slash in it, like this:

Obviously a copy/paste mistake on my part.

As soon as I deleted the extra slash, all is correct now. Feeling a bit dumb but oh well.
Thank you for your intuition! =8-D

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
4,335 posts
np - Glad you're sorted :-)

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
9 years ago
334 posts
I do the same at the top of my jrForum_item_detail.tpl in my active skin.
{if $_profile_id == 1}
{jrCore_module_url module="jrForum" assign="murl"}

It hides the side bar which is okay. But I also want to hide the profile menus (or tabs) at the top like followers, forum, blog. audio, etc..

How do you do this?

9 years ago
3,603 posts
Ilker, you are using a profile forum for your site's forums, right?
If so- did you create a profile that 'owns' all the site forums, like I did?
If so- you might want to have that forum profile be in its own specific Quota...and you can create that new 'forums' quota by cloning it off of your Master Admn quota (to give it all needed powers when you log in as that profile). Then you can move the forums profile into that quota and make a few changes to it that you would not want to do on your master admin quota. Such as:
Go to your Youtube module (ACP) and the quota config tab there- and turn OFF "allow on profile" checkbox in the Forums Quota. That would remove the Youtube TAB from the Forums profile page. Do the same with other modules that have TABS showing that you don't want for your forums module, Audio, etc. Obviously, do NOT do it for the jrprofile Forum module.

Once all this is done and you've reset cache, log OUT as admin and log IN as a regular test member, and go to the profile page of your forum's profile page. You should see maybe only the "discussions" tab, which is normal. But you shouldn't see any profile tabs or sidebar when you go to a forum discussion.

Remember- once you log back IN as Admin quota, you will again see ALL the tabs on that profile page for forums...because as admin you see everything. If you as admin 'own' that forums profile, you'll see all your own tabs there on the forumsprofile page. You'll see that as the owner of any profile you create from your master admin user account, or if that profile is a member of an admin type quota. If you want to see what your members (nonadmins) see, create a test member by signing up as if you were a regular person browsing the web. Then make sure that test member is in the regular member quota. To see what reg members see, log OUT as admin and log IN as the test member- you won't see all the same tabs that you do as admin.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
334 posts
Dear Strumelia, thank you for your very detailed explanation.
I only have 2 Quotas available; basic and admin. I also have a profile named Community to display the forum which is used by admin account. Community has the Quota Admin. I am not sure if creating a new Quota for Community profile is the best way to do. Or creating a new profile will change all the available links for the forum which uses Community.

Another point which I am not sure is the Followers tab. Because there is no such a configuration for Followers in ACP turn OFF "allow on profile".

A little bit confused :)
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Are you using your Community profile for any actual purpose besides housing your site forums?
Also, is that screenshot from the profile page of your Community profile?- or it is where members are led when they click on your main site menu 'forum' link (if you have a link to forums there)?
and... I assume you have a test profile in the regular members quota that you can log in as to see what members see. (remember, you see all tabs by default when logged in as admin)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 11/16/16 08:39:35AM
9 years ago
334 posts
Are you using your Community profile for any actual purpose besides housing your site forums?
No, at least for now.

Also, is that screenshot from the profile page of your Community profile?- or it is where members are led when they click on your main site menu 'forum' link (if you have a link to forums there)?
The screenshot is what a normal member or anonymous user see when he/she clicks main site forum menu link. The link is

and... I assume you have a test profile in the regular members quota that you can log in as to see what members see. (remember, you see all tabs by default when logged in as admin)
The screenshot has taken using my test profile with Basic Quota.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Ok. In your screenshot, what do you see and to what url do you go when you click on the "forum" tab i've circled in red here?:
forum.jpg  •  48KB

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
334 posts
Yes, correct. But normally the website menu is used to reach the forum just like here in Jamroom.
9 years ago
3,603 posts
You've not really answered my question though:
In your screenshot, what do you see and to what url do you go when you click on the "forum" tab i've circled in red here?

The website Menu (along top of pages) for the link "forum" will take your members to wherever you tell it to take them to. That's why I'm trying to ascertain how your links are set up right now, in case that's where the solution can be gotten.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
334 posts
Both links; the circled one and the website forum menu link direct to the same address
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Yes, but is the screenshot showing what the member sees when the (circled) "Forum" tab is selected, or is it showing what is seen when the "Newest Posts" tab is selected? In your screenshot, I can't figure out which of the two tabs is actually the active tab there- one is white and one is grey.

Do you have no forum discussions on your site?- that makes it a bit hard to figure out what/where we are in screenshots. Maybe you can make a test discussion, that might help clarify what we're looking at in a screenshot.
Does your "Community" profile have any followers?- try removing them, and maybe that Followers tab will also disappear...if there are no followers for that profile.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015

updated by @strumelia: 11/17/16 08:34:30AM
9 years ago
334 posts
Please follow me so that I can send you a private message. I think it will be easier this way. :)
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Ok, going private now. Hope I can help you, if it's an issue I can quickly recognize.

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
334 posts
To get rid of the top profile tabs in my main forum page I made what Paul said here

I hope this helps anybody having the same issue.

Special thanks to Strumelia for her efforts trying to help me :)