solved include signature

Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Hello all,

I recall reading that 'anything we see here in the JamRoom Support Forum is a feature we should be able to implement on our site(s)'.

I would LOVE to be able to offer the signature option on our site.

We are a JamRoom 6, Ningja skin, using JRdiscussion.

Is it possible to implement this?

If so, please advise how?

Thank you,
updated by @holly-dilatush: 01/30/17 08:42:09PM
9 years ago
4,335 posts
Quote: I recall reading that 'anything we see here in the JamRoom Support Forum is a feature we should be able to implement on our site(s)'.
True, except that you are not using this 'jrForum' module. You are using jrDiscussion and that doesn't support signatures.
You would have to create a 'user_forum_signature' field in their account form then add that to the appropriate Discussion template.

Paul Asher - JR Developer and System Import Specialist
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Thanks for this info, Paul. Duly added to our "when we can get to it" list.
