solved New and learning

9 years ago
1 posts
hi everyone, I'm new to Jamroom, migrating over from ning 3, I am having a hard time gasping everything, even after following the awesome documentation, I get lost when I get in the acp. I keep bugging tech support and they never complain no matter how many times they explain. if only there was tech support for comprehension lol, have a great day every one!
updated by @robinlynnemabin: 01/02/17 10:06:03PM
Holly Dilatush
Holly Dilatush
9 years ago
212 posts
Welcome @robinlynnemabin

I hope you'll stick with it and find your way. We're migrating from 2.0 (we put days and days and days into setting up 3.0, only to be told we could NOT migrate to 3.0, and we wanted Events and Archive before we migrated, so we stayed with 2.0).

Anyway, I understand that the Ning 3.0 to JamRoom experience is a bit different.
You'll want to check

I have a habit now of checking both documentation and this support forum when I get lost in the ACP.

*tip: in the ACP, be sure you are reminding yourself to check all the tabs... the language and info tabs on module pages have been especially helpful for me.

We've been here in JamRoom less than a month, but are almost ready to flip the 'go live' switch.

You can see the 'before' ( and 'coming soon!/developer' ( versions of what we've done/are doing.

Best wishes for exultant success,
updated by @holly-dilatush: 09/25/16 09:55:20AM
9 years ago
3,603 posts
Welcome Robin!
Just know that you'll likely have a slightly easier time migrating from ning 3.0 to Jamroom than many have whan migrating from ning 2.0 to jamroom, since you don't have to worry abnout where all the content from ning lands. You are freer to build things from scratch.
The best part is that you get lots of good support on Jamroom, and remember: it gets easier each day as you learn a few additional things about how to set up and run your site. There's a bit of a learning hump at first for non-coders, but the sky's the limit with your Jamroom site, and before you know it you'll be doing things you never imagined you could do. :)

...just another satisfied Jamroom customer.
Migrated from Ning to Jamroom June 2015
9 years ago
7,790 posts
These three are the big 3 when contemplating setup:

Docs: "User"

Docs: "Profile"

Docs: "Quota"

Then when you want to add features for those guys to use, you need:

Docs: "Module"

If you're unsure about how to get where you need to get to and are stuck, try outlining your setup in a forum thread and ask for ideas, eg:

The site I want to setup will have members that post paintings they have done in order to get feedback on them and ideas and criticize in order to improve their painting skills.

A setup for this might be replied to with:
* You only need 1 quota because all members are treated equally
* You'll probably need the comments module, perhaps the forums module, probably the gallery module for users to upload paintings, and perhaps the Photo Album module so your members can collect lists of images they like. Maybe you'll want to add the like module or the rating module, but not both.

With a plan making your ACP decisions will probably become easier.
Tatiana Dokuchic
9 years ago
83 posts
Waves hello to Robin :)

I'm just starting my second week here so I can relate!

Happily I think I'm getting the hang of it and I'm getting some exciting results with initial design efforts. The support is excellent and fellow ex Ningsters are wonderful as well.

I wish you much success.
