solved Can't add YouTube or Vimeo videos

9 years ago
109 posts
I've got lots of working YouTube and Vimeo videos that were migrated over from Ning and working fine now. I've got Combined Video installed and active. I've got its Quota Config set up so that I, as admin, can add YouTube and Vimeo AND upload video, while other users can only add YouTube and Vimeo. I've gone through the app creation process/API key process on both Vimeo and Google and inserted the codes in their boxes. And now I've tried to add some videos.

Not working. Screenshots below show the error I'm getting. I've tried with public, private, and unlisted videos. Doesn't make any difference. I've tried from my Admin login and as a standard user. Always the same. Can you help me find what I'm missing?

updated by @lesrinchen: 12/24/16 10:51:21PM
9 years ago
7,788 posts
That URL looks awfully suspicious.

When I click on it it doesnt take me to youtube. every time I end up on some unrelated advertising page.

Could you paste in the destination page that has the youtube you want to display on it please.
9 years ago
109 posts
Hi Michael, I've since deleted that YouTube video, as I'd just put it on YouTube to try when Vimeo wasn't working. You're right, it sure looks suspicious now, but that WAS the URL when the video was there.

The Vimeo code, however, is correct and the video is still there:
9 years ago
109 posts
To test YouTube, you can try this public video:
updated by @lesrinchen: 09/22/16 07:56:52PM
9 years ago
7,788 posts
That youtube video works for me. The vimeo one shows a page not found. Guessing that means its a private video.

Can I make a test account on your site to test with?
9 years ago
109 posts
Strange. That YouTube video still doesn't work for me. Screenshot shows errors in Activity Log.

And, yes, all my Vimeo videos are private, only for sharing on this site, with subscribed members. All the Vimeo videos already working that were migrated over from Ning are private too (hidden on Vimeo, allowed on my domains only).

(michael deleted activity log screenshot as it contained google key)
9 years ago
109 posts
Can I make a test account on your site to test with?

9 years ago
7,788 posts
Where you have entered your youtube and vimeo keys, make sure there is not a space character at the beginning or the end.

It looks like there a space is the cause of those issues in your activity log.

updated by @michael: 09/22/16 10:21:17PM
9 years ago
109 posts
Yes, there was a space before the Google key!!! So glad you guys are able to see these little things! So YouTube is working now for both public and unlisted video.

Vimeo is still not working and that's where I normally keep videos for the site. And I didn't find any spaces in the keys there.
9 years ago
109 posts
Yikes, no, YouTube is still not working. The video got embedded, shows up in the timeline and can be viewed by clicking the link there. BUT there's no link or thumbnail image in the Video lists, neither on the site's Video page nor on the uploading member's Profile page.
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Looking into why now. Somethings strange.
9 years ago
109 posts
Well, I was able to manually edit the uploaded video and insert a title. I could manually insert a thumbnail image too, but my members won't be able to do all this... These elements would normally show up in a regular embed...

Thanks for looking into it...

Plus, I strongly prefer using Vimeo over YouTube for any of our own videos. All those suggested videos at the end of You Tube videos are distracting... The members of my site (a sacred art instruction group) are not active on social media, not tech-oriented, and I try to keep our space as undistracting as possible for them.
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Can you open your google account and see if there are any messages from google that might explain why the data is not being returned.

Looking for something like "You have reached your limit" or anything like that.
9 years ago
109 posts
No limit reached but I removed restrictions from the app. I HAD set it up only to allow access from my sites but something in there was blocking the data flow. Not sure if it might have worked if I could have gone through the full process to verify ownership of both my own domain and my jamroom hosted url... But I'm trusting there's no risk posed by having the API key unrestricted. Please tell me if I'm wrong, and if you recommend further action. See attached screenshots to understand what was restricted in 1st API key I created and the warning on the API 2 key I'm using now to get the data to flow through.

Now, with unrestricted API 2 key, YouTube seems to be pulling all data, including hyperlinked title, thumbnail image, category, and duration. Yay!

Now it's time to get Vimeo to do the same. I'll explore the app over there and see if I find a similar restriction in my settings.
updated by @lesrinchen: 09/23/16 08:59:51AM
9 years ago
109 posts
Fiddled around and created a new Vimeo app. Now public videos can be added (with their title, thumbnail, and duration data), but my private videos, the ones we need most, and not coming through even though I've got the URLs listed as allowable. Will go play with those settings now and see if there's any wiggle room I've missed there...

Doesn't seem like there's much to change there...

Vimeo videos with these same settings that were brought over from Ning are still working (though, as we discussed in an earlier thread a week or so ago, they did not display thumbnail images and still don't display category/duration info). But new videos with these settings are not addable.
updated by @lesrinchen: 09/23/16 09:25:35AM
9 years ago
7,788 posts
LesRinchen:....But I'm trusting there's no risk posed by having the API key unrestricted. Please tell me if I'm wrong....
Just don't paste it anywhere public and it will be fine.

Imported videos are displayed from info in the database. What you're trying to do when ADDING a video is different, that is being done via vimeo's API and if its failing the main reason would normally be the API key is wrong.

You should add your test site to your vimeo list too if thats where your testing from.

What we need to do is figure out why the jamroom module that talks to vimeo isnt gettting a response when it asks vimeo questions.

Hoping vimeo would tell us that somewhere.
updated by @michael: 09/23/16 04:35:23PM
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Could you re-confirm your "Client Secret" is correct please, It looks much much longer than my one.

On the ACP


Docs: "Vimeo"

--edit edit--
It might be right, I just created a new app and its got a much longer key. Will test with this.
updated by @michael: 09/23/16 04:41:43PM
9 years ago
7,788 posts
There is a newer version of the Vimeo module due to be released shortly. Its changelog reads:
Version 1.2.0:
- New: Updated to use Vimeo OAuth API for video access - fixes issues with accessing private videos

I think this is the fix you're looking for. Not sure if its changes rely on any other changes that are also due to be released or can be released on its own. I'll ask.
9 years ago
109 posts
You should add your test site to your vimeo list too if thats where your testing from.

I was actually testing this video behavior on my main site but I did think of adding the test site to the list as well, for future tests. Will do.
9 years ago
109 posts
There is a newer version of the Vimeo module due to be released shortly. Its changelog reads:
Version 1.2.0:
- New: Updated to use Vimeo OAuth API for video access - fixes issues with accessing private videos
I think this is the fix you're looking for. Not sure if its changes rely on any other changes that are also due to be released or can be released on its own. I'll ask.

Awesome news! This looks very promising. Keep me posted!
9 years ago
10,149 posts
I've just uploaded version 1.2.0 to the marketplace - update and let us know if that fixes things up.


Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
109 posts
Thanks, Brian! It looks like we're ALMOST there. I updated the module on my test site and entered the access token ( in my Global Config. And now I can add my private Vimeo videos. Yay!

BUT now they're doing what the YouTube videos were also doing before I unrestricted the Google API key... It doesn't pull the thumbnail image, the title with hyperlink, or the duration (see screenshot). Maybe there's something else I have to do at that I'm still missing. The description of the Authentication Workflow at is beyond me!

I can add titles and image on the Update Vimeo Video form, so I've got a workaround that's not too bad. Can't fill in the duration info myself. I can move forward with this, but it's not ideal quite yet. Can we get there?
9 years ago
7,788 posts
If you add a NEW private vimeo video does it also not get the artwork?
9 years ago
109 posts
Now, even new PUBLIC Vimeo videos are not getting artwork, nor title and duration (though they were before the update). It doesn't seem to matter whether they're private or public videos, and it doesn't seem to matter whether I put or in the access token field (is there something else I'm supposed to do?). Adding a new Vimeo video, public or private, now fetches the video but not its artwork, title, or duration.

In the screenshot of my combined video list, you can see YouTube unlisted and public videos displaying all their info, a public Vimeo video added BEFORE the update displaying its artwork and info, and three new Vimeo adds (public AND private) not displaying anything.
9 years ago
10,149 posts
You are not configuring it correctly. You need to put the ACTUAL TOKEN (long string of characters) that you created in your API Access section. Do This:

1) go here:
2) Click on "My Apps"
3) If you have NOT created an app, click "Create a new app" and create your app
4) Once created, click on it so you see it's details
5) Click on the "Authentication" tab/button
6) Click on the "Generate Token" button at the bottom to create a NEW access token. Make sure "Public" and "Private" scopes are checked (they are by default).

When complete copy the value for "New access token" to your Vimeo Config - THAT is the right token to use.

Let me know if that helps.

Brian Johnson
Founder and Lead Developer - Jamroom
9 years ago
109 posts
THANK YOU, Brian!!! I knew I had to be missing something. That access token thing didn't look right but I'd visited that Vimeo developer page and read the instructions multiple times, getting more and more confused while not seeing what was right in front of my face. Everything's working now! Thank you and Michael both for your patience in finally getting me there!
9 years ago
7,788 posts
Updated the vimeo module docs with the new access token step.

Docs: "Vimeo"
9 years ago
109 posts
